chapter 8 - guns at the aisle p2

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"Well now child , what are you choosing. Your family or him ?" He asked looking at Lorenzo with a hateful  emotion.

This wasn't hard. I knew who I was gonna choose  before he'd even laid out the preposition.

Lorenzo will always be safe. Even if anything were to happen to him it won't be from my dad because he isn't powerful enough to be able to take down a man like Lorenzo Rivera. That's statistically and in all other ways impossible.

"Don't keep me waiting. I run low on patience. You should know child. " he said looking at me displeased.

I just huffed and put my hand back into Lorenzo's. "If you don't mind father , I was just about to get married before you showed up" I managed to speak.

I could clearly see how baffled my father was at my statement.

"How bold you've become."  He said before pulling out his gun and aiming at me.

Lorenzo stood right in front of me with his huge body shielding me  from even seeing my father.

"You've took this long enough Herman. Now I'd appreciate  it if you went about your own way" he said to him. My father let out laugh.

"It's a bullet Rivera. It'll kill you the moment it get to you. Now , step aside" said my father threatening him.

I felt scared because I knew father wasn't someone who'd fool around. He'd definetly pull  the trigger on him.

I'm about to become a widow to a man I haven't even married yet.

"How stupid are you Herman. You think you can come into my territory and threaten me. Me ! " roared Lorenzo.

"How about this for a twist" he added and almost everyone in the room had their guns pointed at my dad.

The gun in father's hands shook because of how terrified he now looked.

He out a nervous chuckled. "Oh really,  this- this isn't , well" he fumbled with his words and couldn't get anything proper out of his stupid mouth.

"Get him out of here " instructed Lorenzo to his men and they nodded before dragging my dad by this arms away from the venue.

However I didn't miss the longing look in  Alexio's  eyes when he looked at me.

"I love you" I mouthed to him and he gave me a small smile before following after dad.

I felt a large hand careless my cheek before wiping a wet stain on my face.

"I rather let  you use swear words 24/7 but I would never ever want to see you cry piccola." He said. "So don't cry , not as long as I'm here to protect you" he said before pulling me into a hug.

" shall we carry on ?" He asked me and I nodded.

You must be wondering. How on earth did I go from solely hating the Italian Mafia dude who kidnapped me from a funeral , again it wasn't actually kidnapping but still.

Anyway how I went from hating him for dragging me into this wedding to actually care about him to a point where I was crying unconsciously when my dad had his gun aiming at him.

Well that's easy.


"Now Ms Victoria Sams take the ring and put it on his finger"

I looked at the priest before noticing that Lorenzo had already slipped the on my finger already.

Are weddings always this fast?

"Now by the power invested in me. I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Lorenzo Josiah  Rivera. You may kiss your bride." He priest concluded.

Wait , what?


Infront of all these people. You've got to be joking.

Soon I felt Lorenzo's  hand pulling me close to him by my  waist.

"Come on babygirl  , we did practise last night on the balcony didn't we ?" He said and before I could say anything his lips were on mine.

I found myself drowning into his kiss and resting my hands on either sides of him shoulders.

The loud cheers from the crowd brought me probably back to reality and he smiled and me before resting his hand at the small of my back.

He looked at me  one more time with  a beautiful smile plastered on his Greek god face.

" Victoria Rivera. It suits you. Wear it well" he whispered before kissing my cheek.
Later that night

Today was eventful.  I ran a hand through my hair and sighed I don't know , for the hundredth time.

Just then my phone vibrated. Reaching out to grab it I winced. Crying wasn't an option but still this hurt  so freaking much.

I'd be lying if I said I knew pain before this.

"Don't move about Victoria. You're in pain, it won't subside  if you move around too much" said Lorenzo as he walked out of the bathroom shirtless and with just his sweatpants  on.

"I needed my phone" I said.

He sighed and walked towards me and grabbed my phone before he gave it to me.

He sat on the bed with his back pressed against the headboard before he pulled me closer to him so that my back was now on his chest.

He had his right hand caressing my left arm tenderly careful not to hurt the bullet wound I'd just suffered hours ago.

"I'm really sorry this happened Victoria. I was certain my men had led him out of the estate.  I don't know how he came back." He explained like a baby who'd gotten into trouble.

"It's okay. I'm fine now. " I explained  to him.

Yeah , the pain was from a bullet wound not that he'd taken my V card or  anything  like that.

What really happened  was that. After the wedding had been solemnised. People were coming to Enzo and I to congratulate  us. We were so busy talking to everyone else we didn't notice my father rushing through the crowd of people with a loaded gun in his hand.

Lorenzo noticed it seconds before  he shot me.

In an attempt to save me from a direct hit on the chest ,  I then got  shot on my left arm just below my shoulder and I won't be lying if  I said it didn't  hurt.

That bullet hurt like a bitch and it still does but I can't tell Lorenzo that.

He was in so much panic when he saw that I'd been shot. He completely  damaged my dad's face and still promised that he wasn't done with him so  right now as we speak my dad is in the cells of his warehouse.

"You're gonna be okay princess. Just hang on . Don't close your eyes too okay" he instructed as he led me to his mini hospital here in the house.

So yeah that's what happened.

'Hello Mrs Rivera. Listen I know you're shot and probably running low on power and all that stuff but I still  need a godbaby ' texted Irvine.

' Mccarthy  , stop. What r u even saying ?'

' letting the world know what I want. Its the least I could do for myself'

'Get some sleep'

'Being single is harsh. I bet your man has you in his arms right now'

I just giggled and switched off my phone.

"You could've at least told him you really were in my arms." Said Lorenzo.

"Not a chance" I said before I snuggled closer to him and let sleep drift me away from the pain still in arm. 

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