chapter 12 - rules

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' Oh my devil Vicki , what were you doing in there. Your moans could be heard from the other side  of the building." Said Irvine who was sitting on my bed texting away.

"Shit , stop it will you ?" I scolded him but I still had to remain still while Marilyn  worked on my make up.

"So like , did you loose your V - card to him in a changing  room. Victoria Sams  you're more than what you let on" he commented.

"Irvine we didn't go that far. You came and interrupted so nothing could be done"

"Shit , I was the show stopper." He said as if he'd realised it now.

Marilyn  and  I just chuckled. "Hey Marilyn  when do you loose yours. How did it happen?" Asked Irvine.

"Well my fate is quite that of Mrs Rivera actually." She told us.

"Wait , how?" We both asked which surprised her.

"Well we were about to when my brother came bursting into the room and he beat the shit out of the guy. He really did quite a number on him." She said. "I haven't seen that boy since and I haven't talked to my brother since then too."  She added.

"But he's your brother" I defended.

"No , he really hurt me. At least if  he came back to me and explained why he was doing it. Maybe I'd have had some  sort of solace." She explained.

"Well that's a shame. But if you want we can hunt him down and kick the shit out of him" suggested Irvine.

She smiled and shook his head. "Well that's not necessary. He  lives here as it is."

"Wait - is it?"

"Mario?" Both me and Irvine said together and she nodded.



"You're done and I'm sure Capo is waiting for you downstairs. Now off you go" she said while removing the gown I was wearing.

"But Ma-"

But she quickly dashed off leaving me hanging.

Mario is Marilyn's  brother. I mean they do have the same hair colour  but I haven't seen Mario up close to actually take in his features.

They are here both of them 24/7 and sometimes she even serves them dinner when he has late meetings with Lorenzo but they never talk.

Doesn't she miss her brother? You know I miss mine every single day. They always were and always will be my world.

I love them just as much as they loved me. Its just circumstances weren't exactly  in our favour back then.

"Too lost to even notice that you've reached the living room amor?" Said Lorenzo and only then did I snap out of my thoughts.

He was leaning against the wall with a glass of whatever drink in his left hand.

"You look beautiful Victoria" he said to me and I felt my lips curve up into a smile.

"You don't look too bad yourself " I told him and he chuckled lightly.

"Come to me" he said in a husky voice and I felt shivers going up my spine.

Shit , if only he knew what he did to me. I found myself walking to him as if he'd cast a spell on me. I got to him and he pulled me even closer so that my hands rested on his chest while  his right hand circled my waist and gliding down a bit to  rest on my hip.

'Why didn't I meet you sooner ' I whine internally.

"We have unfinished  business from the changing room don't we my dear wife ?" He asked as he sucked on my sweet spot.

I felt my arms travelling to his neck and  my breathing quickening.

He really needs to let go of my sweet spot really. I can't be a moaning mess in the living room that definetly has echoes.

Letting go of his torture on my neck he kissed  my jaw  and then looked directly  at me.

"You've ever been to a charity ball before?" He asked me in a serious tone.

How the fuck did he switch on so fast.


"Why ?"

"Dad wouldn't let me "

"Well on that account I really am thankful to him."  He said which I'm really confused about.

He took my hand and guided me to sit on the sofa. He went down on one knee.

"I'm already married to you don't get any ideas" he teased.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm a quick thinker ,  I'd already ruled that one out" I said showing him the ring he'd put  on my finger the day we got married.

"As if " he said and took out a gun and a holster that was in the box next to where we were.

"Okay listen. I told you what happens at this ball earlier today didn't  I ?" I nodded and he shook his head.

"Words babygirl , always"


"So I need you to have this" he told me.

His hands pushed my dress aside so that it was revealing my thigh. He attached the gun's holster to my thigh then put the gun into it.

"You're only allowed to talk to two people" he said.

"Mario and Me"

"Mario's  boring " I complained.

"He feels the same about you so you'll make it work " he told me.

"Second  , the moment   someone by the name Luca Bernadi comes and talks to you. What do you do ?"

"I don't know I'm a very social person" he just shook his head and smiled.

"I honestly am rethinking taking you  with me to this thing." He told me.

"And please don't take any drinks from anyone not even the waiter. Mario and I will get your drinks"

"Gosh I feel like a queen"

"You are a queen" he countered.

"Also Victoria I know this might seem weird and very unusual  but I'm begging you. If you see  Leanna there do no talk to her."

"I won't "

"Thank you."

"Don't get out of my line of sight"

"Can't I at least go to the bathroom ?" I complained.

"I'll take you there"

"I'm not a child" I said.

"Don't get angry"

"Then don't make me angry"

"Shhhh , I'm sorry" he said while his hands  rubbed my arms.

"Also Alicìa " seriously he could've called me Penny if he wanted to. "Do not talk to your brothers. At least not yet."

"What ?"

"I know how much you guys are emotionally attached. But just don't talk to them. "

He looked at me waiting for my response. "Talk to me"

How can he expect me to agree to that. I stood up from my seat and he did too. I removed both of my earrings and necklace  and handed them to him.

"What are you doing ?" He asked me.

I then undid the holster that he'd attached to my thigh and handed it to him with gun still attached to it.

"I can't  not talk to my brothers Lorenzo." I told him. "It's actually that hard." I added.

"So I'm not going" I told him before walking away going back to my room.

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