Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Five Thousand Feet

The shower was a bit too warm for a summer's day but Alya stood under it for a few minutes, thinking through what she'd just done. She was actually a bit sad that she'd done it now and knew she wouldn't be allowed back to swimming lessons. She'd also given her brother more ammunition against her, and she'd revealed hers and Hanuel's secret, the one Poppy had encouraged them to keep.

Alya heard somebody come in and knew straight away who it was. He didn't have to say anything.

'Sorry,' she said, without sincerity. She suspected that Hanuel knew she was trying to forget as quickly as possible about it all.

'Alya, you're crazy.'

She could hear the tinge of humour in his voice and in just those few words he made her feel infinitely better, but she was sorry she'd let him down. She opened the door to the shower cubicle. He was standing with his hands casually on his hips, and he gave her a doubtful smile as she came out. 'You're discharged by the way. They said for me to tell you.'

'Oh well,' she said, quietly.

'Come here.' Hanuel pulled her to him and they hugged for a moment.

Alya happened to be facing the mirror and she noticed some dark marks against Hanuel's skin which she hadn't noticed earlier. There appeared to be symmetrical bruises on either side of his back, near where his ribs finished.

'What are those?' she asked, surprised.

'What?' said Hanuel, and then he realised what she was referring to. 'Oh, it's nothing, Alya. Don't worry.' Hanuel knew better than to lie to her, but he wasn't forthcoming with the real answer either. Alya peered into his eyes awaiting an actual valid response. 'What? Alya, just leave it alone ok, there's nothing I can do about it, so ...'

'Someone did this to you?' she asked, startled.

'Not just someone,' said Hanuel, miserably.

'Who was it?' she said, more sharply than she'd intended.

'Not here ok,' said Hanuel, gently taking her wrist. 'Can we go somewhere else, and then I can tell you.'

Alya immediately linked their location and Hanuel's reluctance to explain to one another. 'He's here?' she asked. She was incensed. If her brother had hurt Hanuel ...

'Alya!' snapped Hanuel. 'It's not Tal if that's what you were thinking.'

It was what she was thinking, but ok then, she was wrong. 'Who then?'

'It's one of the Patrol cadets.'

Alya knew then who it was of course. 'Is it that Raiden?'

Hanuel's expression was answer enough, and she turned to march back to the pool. Hanuel ran alongside her and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

'Alya! Don't you dare!' he growled through gritted teeth.

She turned to acknowledge him. He looked angry but frightened too.

'Hanuel?' she said gently. She was extremely concerned. What was going on? Why was Raiden being a bully towards Hanuel?

'I don't know,' shrugged Hanuel, as if reading her thoughts. 'Let's just get out of here, ok?'

Alya could see that she had little choice. If she marched back to the pool, Hanuel would surely disown her, and she was already in enough trouble without picking a fight with a Patrol cadet. She looked uncomfortable with a lack of action but agreed and the pair went their separate ways to change.

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