The Ink on Paper

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I saw castles and blood,

I was blessed and cursed.

I saw a kingdom with fluttering flags of peace

But when gotten closer I only saw bodies of decreased.

Peace in the air, on ground was blood

The castle was high but there was flood.

Flood of the pain and the cries of innocents,

From murders made in the name of serving their inhabitants.

They seemed happy but still devastated

They were the ones who started, was this not expected?

They were the one who suggested the war could definitely solve,

Whatever the problem was that could be dissolved.

The problem was solved and that is true,

But won at what consequences? Was it still not blue?

They won and declared a handsome king,

They had tears in eyes but chorus started to sing.

The king was pleased and ordered his chess piece,

To hang as high as possible the sign of 'peace';

He wanted the world to know he was wise,

And every soul in his kingdom was satisfied.

Then I realized the queen was gone,

She was trembling as if she was deeply torn.

I forwarded by hands to help her out,

But everything just floated away on clouds.

I opened my eyes and saw the inks on page,

It was breeze from window that helped me get out of that 'cage'.

The book was friction just some words,

But still took me to its unparallel world.

This war was a fiction and I was aware,

But this doesn't guarantee in past they weren't there.

If some ink on paper can carry us to another universe,

Then why can it not erase such disastrous curse?

The history was made by the sacrifices of innocent,

But I wish some ink on paper can protect the present.

Because 'the present is a present' is not just a thought,

It's a hard lesson learned after those wars were fought...


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