Chapter 6 Lin Chen, I understand you

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Lin Chen and Meng Zhe have known each other since childhood.

  Even elementary school to middle school are the same school.

  Therefore, such a rare fate and relationship from childhood to adulthood.

  In the eyes of outsiders, it is not an exaggeration to say that the two of them are close buddies.

  Thinking back to his student days, Lin Chen has always had excellent academic performance.

  All kinds of honorary certificates and certificates are even more available.

  I am often praised by teachers and parents in various ways.

  On the other hand, for Meng Zhe, fighting to pick up girls was basically a common occurrence.

  Every now and then, he would be criticized and punished by calling his parents.

  If it weren't for some connections in his family, he would have been expelled before even finishing high school.

  Typical bad boys in people's eyes are often despised in various ways.

  During the college entrance examination, Lin Chen and Meng Zhe's life paths diverge greatly.

  Meng Zhe failed in the college entrance examination because he was too busy studying. He later entered a college to study.

  Lin Chen, on the other hand, was admitted to a well-known prestigious university with consistently excellent results.

  At this time, Meng Zhe seemed to have truly realized that there had always been a big gap between himself and Lin Chen.

  Lin Chen studies well and is handsome. He is praised in various ways. Even his girlfriend is a school beauty.

  As for himself, no matter in terms of study, appearance, behavior, etc., nothing could compare to Lin Chen.

  Even when it comes to talking about girlfriends, Meng Zhe can't compare, because he only talks about little girls.

  These comparisons made Meng Zhe, who was in college, fall into a deep inferiority complex.

  If I really had to pick one thing that was better than Lin Chen, it would be family.

  Meng Zhe's family was not considered poor for three generations.

  Since Lin Chen's parents died, his family situation has also plummeted.

  Therefore, in terms of family economics, Meng Zhe's only confidence and superiority have become his.

  But fate is always funny.

  They have ended their student days and it is time to go out into society and find jobs.

  Due to extremely fierce competition, Lin Chen, who had studied well at first, only found a job in a small company.

  The monthly salary is 6,000, which is not said to be at the bottom in Ronghai, but it is also at the lower level.

  As for Meng Zhe, after graduation, he relied on his family connections to be assigned to the company of his relative Xiao Zhicong.

  Became a department leader and managed a large number of small employees.

  This directly made him Lin Chen's immediate boss.

  Lin Chen, who used to push him everywhere, has now become an employee under his command at will.

  This gave Meng Zhe, who had always had a low self-esteem, an unparalleled sense of superiority.

  "What's the use of your study, Lin Chen?"

  "In the end, you're not working hard under my hands?"

  "Three generations of my family have worked hard, and you can't compare to the hard work of your family for twelve years? Really? What a joke!"

  These were the words Meng Zhe often thought in his mind after Lin Chen came to the company.

  Although he has always looked down on Lin Chen in his heart.

  But on the surface, he and Lin Chen still regarded each other as brothers.

  The reason why he kept Lin Chen by his side. M.biQuge.biZ

  is because in this way, you can enjoy the pleasure of competing with Lin Chen all the time.

  Lin Chen rented a house to work, while Meng Zhe bought a house in the same community.

  Lin Chen rode a shared bicycle to work, while Meng Zhe bought a Porsche.

  Lin Chen's girlfriend was a high school beauty, so Meng Zhe found someone more beautiful.

  Lin Chen built a computer worth 5,000 yuan, and Meng Zhe bought one worth 30,000 yuan.

  Meng Zhe always had the upper hand over Lin Chen in all these countless matters.

  Although every time he showed off his superiority, Lin Chen just smiled or didn't care.

  But in Meng Zhe's opinion, Lin Chen couldn't compare to him, so he chose to remain silent.

  So in his heart, he always thought that Lin Chen was an honest guy.

  In this way, he could continue to show off his superiority in front of Lin Chen unscrupulously.

  But what he never expected was that Lin Chen scolded him without restraint today.

  He scolded him until his head was bloody.

  He even gave his mother a friendly greeting.

  This made him a little confused.

  However, he quickly understood Lin Chen.

  After all, being suppressed by him for many years would make anyone feel dissatisfied, let alone Lin Chen.

  When the dissatisfaction and resentment in the heart has been accumulated for a long time, it will explode violently.

  Today, Lin Chen was in a state of outburst.

  That's why he yelled.

  Thinking of this, Meng Zhe not only didn't get angry, but instead raised the corners of his mouth and smiled happily.

  Meng Zhe felt that this meant that his suppression of Lin Chen was effective.

  Lin Chen couldn't stand it any longer.

  "What's the use of being good at studying? In the end, you're not worthless compared to me, you can only be incompetent and furious."

  He smiled even happier.

  After he had laughed enough, he sent Lin Chen a few more messages.

  "Lin Chen, I understand you. I know you are not feeling well right now." "

  But the current environment is like this. It is difficult for everyone to make money and everyone is under a lot of pressure." "

  But, you must also learn to adapt. Use pressure as motivation and work hard."

  "Believe me, as long as you work hard, your days will get better and better."

  After sending these messages, Meng Zhe lay back on the office chair with satisfaction.

  Comfort a low-level employee and cheer him up.

  This is the basic quality of being a superior person.

  Meng Zhe was very satisfied with his accomplishments and felt superior.

  And he was sure that no matter how bad Lin Chen's mood was, he would still resist by being late and absent from work.

  You don't have to come over to work tomorrow.

  It is impossible to leave your job.

  Lin Chen will never leave his job in this life.

  It's so hard to find a job now. If Lin Chen dares to leave his job, he will face unemployment for several months or even a year.

  You won't be able to make any money at all then.

  For Lin Chen, who comes from a poor family and is facing getting married and buying a house, this is basically a top-level disaster.

  Therefore, Meng Zhe concluded that Lin Chen would lower his head tomorrow, swallow his anger and continue to work.

  Just as Meng Zhe was thinking about it, the door to his office opened.

  The person who came in was Xiao Zhicong, with a foul look on his face.

  "What's wrong with your classmate? You dare to scold me, so you're not afraid of being expelled?"

  Xiao Zhicong sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked up at Meng Zhe.

  Meng Zhe naturally knew that Xiao Zhicong was unhappy.

  But it's easy to solve, after all, they are relatives.

  Just give him a few nice words and then make some arrangements with the young model in the club, and that's it.

  Meng Zhe made a pot of tea for Xiao Zhicong, poured out a cup and handed it over.

  "Hey, young people are under a lot of pressure nowadays, uncle, please forgive me." "

  I have already persuaded him. He will definitely come to work tomorrow. He is short of money now."

  "If you are really upset, I will let him If I apologize to you and then reduce his salary by 1,000 yuan, he will definitely feel the pain."

  After hearing Meng Zhe's words, Xiao Zhicong felt better.

  "Okay, your suggestion is good, let's do it like this."

  Xiao Zhicong got the reply and stood up to leave, but was stopped by Meng Zhe.

  "Uncle, that little moon said she missed you very much last time. How about we go on a business trip tonight?"

  "Hehe, okay."

  Xiao Zhicong thought of the woman with the big headlights in the club last time, and couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion. Desire, so he agreed to Meng Zhe.

  Meng Zhe watched Xiao Zhicong leave with satisfaction.

  His mood also became very good.

  This made him think of Lin Chen again.

  "Lin Chen, Lin Chen, how useful is your study?" "

  This society relies on family background and worldly sophistication."

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