Chapter 7 Angry Zhou Juxiang

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  At this time, Lin Chen had already put on his daily clothes and was sitting at the dining table.

  Enjoyed fruit salad and hot milk for breakfast.

  Although ten o'clock is not too early now, life needs a sense of ritual.

  If you don't eat, you will still feel like something is missing in your heart.

  While scrolling through his phone, he saw the message Meng Zhe sent him.

  But he no longer planned to scold him back.

  He has now clearly seen Meng Zhe's true face as a villain.

  Lin Chen felt that even if he continued to scold him, he would not bring any actual punishment to Meng Zhe.

  It's better to be a little harsher, something that really makes Meng Zhe feel the pain.

  Lin Chen knew that Meng Zhe's father owned a supermarket and could make a lot of money in a year.

  This makes their family a middle-class figure in Ronghai City circles.

  After the apocalypse came in the previous life, Meng Zhe relied on supplies from the supermarket at home to survive for a long time. M.biQuge.biZ

  Now, Lin Chen plans to directly destroy Meng Zhe's family's reliance on survival in the apocalypse.

  Before the end of the world comes, he wants to buy up all the supplies in the entire supermarket at Meng Zhe's house.

  By then they will be miserable without supplies from the supermarket.

  However, Lin Chen will definitely not buy it now.

  After all, there are still six days before the end of the world truly comes.

  If he buys it now, Meng Zhe's father will still have the opportunity to continue to purchase goods in the remaining time.

  If Meng Zhe's father purchases more goods, then Lin Chen's efforts will be in vain.

  Therefore, he planned to buy up all the supplies in the supermarket the day before the end of the world.

  By then, before Meng Zhe's father had time to purchase goods, the end of the world had already arrived.

  In this way, Meng Zhe's family should live a miserable life after the end of the world.

  Soon, Lin Chen emptied the breakfast.

  Then call the hotel waiter to clear away all the garbage on the table.

  I have to say that the service in this five-star hotel is quite professional.

  Even the waiters who come to pick up the garbage are not ordinary aunt-level personnel.

  But a young lady with a good figure and good looks in a maid outfit.

  According to Lin Chen's judgment, those who can work as waiters in such a five-star hotel must have at least a bachelor's degree or above.

  Even a graduate degree is possible.

  According to Lin Chen's previous status as a small employee with a monthly income of 6,000, such a young lady would definitely be out of reach.

  But now, in the process of cleaning up, this young lady spared no effort to show Lin Chen her body curves intentionally or unintentionally.

  Lin Chen couldn't help but feast his eyes on this.

  Just as he was looking carefully, a message alert came from his phone again.

  "Lin Chen, what the hell did you feed my grandson! Are you sick? Why are you still bullying our children like this when you are such an adult! @林陈" "

  Yesterday, my child came home and cried for several hours. His voice was hoarse from crying, what on earth did you feed him!"

  "Lin Chen, haven't your parents ever taught you to respect the elderly and love the young? They are bullying us like this!"

  The group name is '13 Building Own Group' In the WeChat chat group, Gao Xiaowu's grandmother Zhou Juxiang Aite mentioned Lin Chen's name.

  Then he cursed extremely angrily.

  Yesterday, Gao Xiaowu went home and cried for a long time after eating the strange-flavored candy given by Lin Chen.

  But it was not as exaggerated as Zhou Juxiang said for several hours.

  Moreover, Zhou Juxiang also took Gao Xiaowu to the hospital for a check-up.

  But the doctor said that Gao Xiaowu just suffered some irritation and there was no major problem. He could just go home and rest.

  This made Zhou Juxiang very unconvinced. She felt that Gao Xiaowu must have a serious gastrointestinal problem if he cried so miserably.

  So she asked the doctor to issue a certificate to Gao Xiaowu that he had gastrointestinal problems.

  Of course the doctor refused. How could he issue a certificate for a disease that did not exist?

  But Zhou Juxiang wanted to use the disease certificate to cause trouble for Lin Chen, so she continued to pester the doctor to prescribe it to her.

  Moreover, her attitude became more and more irritable and bad, and she almost caused a medical drama later on.

  Zhou Juxiang, who failed to achieve her goal in the hospital, refused to give up and went to the monitoring room of the community.

  She has a good relationship with the security guard in the community, Uncle Zhao, so she can easily access yesterday's surveillance.

  But the damn thing was that the lawn where Lin Chen gave Gao Xiaowu candy happened to be outside the surveillance range.

  Therefore, Zhou Juxiang, whose illness could not be proven and could not be seen by surveillance, could not do anything to Lin Chen.

  This made Zhou Juxiang extremely angry.

  My own grandson Gao Xiaowu, who was afraid of melting in his mouth, said that he was bullied by Lin Chen.

  But now Lin Chen can't be punished? This was unacceptable to Zhou Juxiang.

  So Zhou Juxiang scolded Aitlinchen in the group of owners.

  Lin Chen held his cell phone and looked at the chat in the group, and naturally he remembered what Zhou Juxiang was.

  Zhou Juxiang is one of the aunts in the community who dances in the square in the morning.

  Every time there is a discount in the supermarket, she is always the fastest one and the one at the front.

  Once she was taking a bus and asked a young girl to give up her seat to her.

  The girl refused, so Zhou Juxiang slapped her several times.

  They also mobilized a large group of sisters to insult the girl, forcing her to give up her seat and apologize to Zhou Juxiang.

  Another time, she was picking up rubbish in the corridor and took the express delivery at the door of an owner's house.

  Inside were more than 900 headphones that the owner had saved up for a long time.

  When Zhou Juxiang opened the package and saw an earphone, she was so happy that she gave the earphone to her grandson Gao Xiaowu to play with.

  Later, the owner came to settle the score with her, but not only did she refuse to admit it, she even roped in her old best friends to gang up on the young owner.

  The young owner was an honest man. Seeing that the matter seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, he considered himself unlucky and gave up pursuing the matter.

  It would have been better not to give up, but by giving up, Zhou Juxiang decided that the young owner was someone who was easy to bully.

  Later, when she was in the owner group, she scolded this young owner very hard.

  They scolded him for deliberately making false accusations, scolded him for bullying the elderly, scolded him for being of low quality, and scolded him for being a poor man from the countryside.

  The young man swallowed his anger and did not dare to respond in the end.

  After all these deeds, the entire 13th building group, and even the entire community, knew that Zhou Juxiang and her old best friends were not to be messed with.

  So now she was scolding Lin Chen in the group, and no one stood up to speak for Lin Chen.

  They all had the mentality of watching the excitement and wanted to see how Lin Chen got into trouble with such a plague god.

  They all felt that this guy named Lin Chen must be miserable.

  At this time, Lin Chen thought of his past life.

  In the apocalypse, this Zhou Juxiang relied on the fact that she was an old man and pushed the job of finding supplies to young people.

  Among these young people, not a few died looking for supplies.

  But the old guys headed by Zhou Juxiang lived a very comfortable life hiding in the back, and even lived for a long time.

  Until later, supplies gradually became scarce, human nature gradually became distorted, and cannibalism became a common thing.

  It was not enough that Lin Chen was cut into a stick by a conspiracy, those relatives, friends and neighbors also divided him up.

  Zhou Juxiang was naturally one of the fastest runners.

  With this hatred, Lin Chen typed on the keyboard of his mobile phone much faster.

  His thoughts were racing, he typed out the characters very quickly, and then sent it to the group.

  "You old fool, what the hell did I give you?"

The end of the world: Copying global supplies at the beginning (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now