Chapter 26| Aloha Swing

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Happy Holi Guys!!! 

Here is an Holi special update! Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment.


Khushi and Manish walked to the lobby of the hotel where they were directed to the breakfast area. They ordered a simple veg breakfast for the day before they decide where to visit for the day. The receptionist had informed Manish that he could have a guide and a driver allotted to them if they needed. All they need to do was inform 2 hours before to the reception. Along with that, The receptionist informed Manish about multiple tourist places near by as well as other details. Communication was not a problem here as being a popular tourist spot, The public of Bali spoke English well.

As if now, They decided to head to a near by beauty of nature which was a famous spot due to the Aloha Ubud Swing. The hotel booked a cab for the couple as they headed to their first tourist spot.

The park was filled with greenery and a huge water fall as well. The blend of greenery with Blue crystal clear water enhanced the beauty of Bali. Khushi was in awe with every place she looked at. Some of her expressions made Manish chuckled sometimes.

For the first 30 to 45 mins at the park, they just explored the nature. Taking some pictures while in taking the beauty around them. Khushi realized the moment she step out of the hotel that Pihu was right. All around her women were dressed in short and crop tops or even smaller clothes then that if possible. It made her realize that for a fact the spaghetti dress was way more decent comparing to what people dressed around here. It also made her realize that maybe some clothes she had brought might make her seem odd in Bali. Maybe she would have to shop for some clothes later on.

Manish:"Khushi look. The scenery looks breathtaking from here. Come I'll take your pic"

Khushi:"Me?"(She looked at him coming out of her thoughts)

Manish:"Yeah come come.."(He made her stand as he asked her to pose while he clicked some pictures)

At first Khushi stood there with a soft smile but soon her smile turned into giggles and then laughter as he instructed her some poses. Manish stopped seeing her laugh whole heartily at his attempts to show some poses which looked quite weird and awkward on him. Manish had a soft smile on his face as he clicked the photo which came out as a beautiful candid picture.

Khushi:"Come I'll take yours?"

Manish:"No it's fine.."

Khushi:"No no.. I must.."(She said as she took his phone from him and asked him to pose)

After few clicks, a voice from behind made her jump. It was elder lady in her mid 40 or 50's. Khushi turned startled as the lady smiled brightly.

Lady:"Ohhh such a cute couple. Do you want couple pictures?"

Khushi:"Huh? aaa..I..."(She looked towards Manish who smiled as he come forward)

Manish:"would you mind?"

Lady:"Oh no no.. here"(She took his phone as she asked the couple to stand together)

Khushi and Manish stood next to each other with a little distance between each other as they posed for the picture.

Lady:"come closure. common now young man don't be shy to hold her"

Khushi's cheeks redden at her words as Manish came closer and wrapped his arms around her shoulder pulling her closer. Her eyes diverted to look up at Manish who was smiling at the camera. A smile came upon her face as well as she looked back at the camera posing.

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