11. The Interview (ADDITIONAL TIME)

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(A/N: guys if you're a writer, do NOT get acrylic nails. I have been stuck with them for a week and a half  and I canNOT type properly at ALL. that is why these chapters have been so delayed 😮‍💨 borderline about to rip them off.)


Additional time~!

"Thank you so much for meeting us today." A sports reported thanked. Sitting down awkwardly, a familiar (H/C)-ette teen nodded. "Sure."

The reporter smiled at her anxious form. "No need to be nervous. We're just going to be asking simple questions today, to ease the fans." She laughed, recalling the numerous messages left in her email requesting that Jinpachi (Y/N) would be the next football star interviewed for the magazine. And who was she to resist their pleads?

"Right, Jinpachi-Chan. Let's start off easy: What's your favorite color?"

"Oh...I don't spend time dwelling on stuff like that. I'd rather spend that time practicing. But I do feel drawn to (F/C) sometimes, I'm pretty sure." The teen responded. The reporter nodded, pleased.

"Very good! Just keep answering how you normally would for all of the next questions. Your responses are going to be audio recorded here, so I won't be using a notepad." (Y/N) quietly muttered an "alright," to the interviewer's words.

"Who is your biggest inspiration, football player wise?"

"Marta Vieiera da Silva. She's the leading scorer of all time for the Women's World Cup. She's also the only football player, male or female, to be named the World Player of the Year six times, with five straight wins. I respect her a lot for that." She nodded at her own response. The interviewer grinned, "Fascinating!"

"Do you participate in any hobbies outside of the sport?"

"I feed the stray cats around my neighborhood and town. Sometimes I knit them sweaters in the winter." A few adoring 'awws!' ricocheted around the room from the interviewer, the photographers, and other staff members. "I also occasionally do gymnastics. It used to be my priority sport in primary school. The flexibility ups my performance on the field."

"Oh Jinpachi-chan, that's simply wonderful!" The reporter cooed. "Anyhow, any favorite songs, artists, or music genres?"

(Y/N) placed an index finger on her chin, thinking. "I like western alternative rock— but I also really enjoy...um," she trailed off, a little embarrassed. "...emo music. Right now my favorite song is Wet by Dazey and the Scouts. My favorite band is Paramore—I like the lead singer a lot."

"I used to listen to that kind of music too! Right, say you're given 100,000,000 yen (A/N: ~700k in USD!), what would you do with it?"

"I would probably spend some on my father as a thank you for raising me so well. The rest I would pocket for later, for after Highschool." She smiled at the thought of getting her father a nice gift.

"So considerate! Last question," the air in the room suddenly became suffocating. The dark look being directed at the teen from the reporter was terrifying. The photographers looked at each other confused, unsure of what was going on.

The reporter grinned, her once gentle smile becoming unsettlingly toothy. "What's your fetish?"




"Hands?" Sae muttered, flipping through the monthly Teen Sports! magazine. He deadpanned at the rack of articles being displayed. 'Is this seriously what they ask in these interviews? Pathetic.'

He rolled his eyes behind the sun glasses of his disguise, walking out of the convenience shop to where his manager awkwardly stood. "Did you find anything you wanted, Itoshi-chan?"

"No." Sae slammed the passenger door shut.

In doing so, he paused. He raised the hand that held onto the door. 'Hands...'



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