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Life is cruel.

Life is so unfair.

Life is not a choice.

Leaving us question 'why?"

Hardship and challenges are part of a human experience.

We can't control the circumstances life throw us.

We can control how we respond to them.

Finding meaning in difficult moments.

Finding the truth behind the lies.

You go through your days, living life, dealing with ups and downs, successes and failures, But something happens that shakes you to your core and makes you realize just how brutal life can be.

Many of us are questioning ourselves why we need to deal with this? Why can't we just enjoy and have fun?

I just woke up in the middle of the night questioning my existence. I can't remember anything. My life, My family, My sibling, My self.

I'm just 8 years old but why am I thinking of this?

I'm being matured at an early age.

I walked to my table and opened my laptop I saw many videos with a girl.

Who is she?

I watched the video.

I feel something strange.

"Xiana!" She called me while laughing.

"Let's go there!" She grabbed my hands and we ran to the beautiful beach.

"The sky is so beautiful!" We sat on the sand.

We're laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"Xiana! Xiara!" That's Mommy and Daddy calling us with a tray of fruit on their hands.

"Wow!" Her beautiful smile and dimple in her cheek.

"Xiana, eat this it's your favorite." She gave me grapes.

My favorite fruit.

"It's my favorite." She grabbed the strawberry fruit.

The four of us were laughing and enjoying the view of the sky.

I became emotional while watching it.

There are tears rolling down my eyes.

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