Rosalind (part three)

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"You ready to go?" asked Tim.

"Almost," Lucy says, placing their gear bags in the trunk of their shop.

"I can't believe that you convinced Grey to let us go on patrol," Lucy says, climbing into the passenger seat.

"What did he expect us to do? Sit around in the station all day?" said Tim, pulling out of the parking garage.

"I mean, we'll be stuck in the shop all day,"

"Better than being stuck at the station. Get some fresh air,"

"Right.." Lucy's voice trails off.

The two ride in silence for the next ten minutes. The air felt frozen, just as it did in the roll-call room.

"It's okay to be nervous," Tim says, finally breaking the silence.

"What?" Lucy says, turning to look at him.

"It's okay if you're scared,"

Lucy chuckles nervously, "I'm not scared. Or nervous,"

Tim presses his lips into a tight line. "You don't have to pretend like the news about Rosalind didn't affect you,"

"I'm not pretending," Lucy counters. "Everyone thinks that what happened with Caleb is something that still haunts me to this day, but it doesn't."

"Okay," Tim says.

"We just got an alert from Grey," Lucy says, looking at the small screen.

"What does it say?" asks Tim, pulling over to a curb.

"He wants us back at the station, it sounds urgent."


Tim and Lucy make their way into the roll-call room, the last ones to arrive.

"What's going on?" Tim asks.

Grey sighs, "Rosalind Dyer stole a helicopter and has supposedly landed somewhere in California,"

"What?" John says, standing up from his seat.

"A pilot of a helicopter in Arizona was found killed, security cam footage shows Dyer entering the tarmac,"

"How do you know that she's landed in California?" asks Angela.

"Officers found a helicopter matching the one that Dyer stole five hours out of Mid-Wilshire,"

"So what does this mean for us? And our families?" asks Nyla.

"None of you are allowed to leave the station. We have safe houses ready to go if necessary," says Grey.

"Safe houses? Seriously?" said Tim.

"I cannot tell you folks anymore about the safe houses other than the fact that they will be used if necessary," says Grey. 

"So we're stuck here? For good?" asks Lucy.

"Until we can confirm safety," says Grey.


A/N: hii! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! i hope that everyone has a safe and happy 2024! sorry for such a short chapter, i still have no idea where this little series is going to go. leave suggestions for this story!!

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