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ed sheeran

Aven laughed, her vision blurry as she leaned on Duker. The bottle completely gone, crushed up cans next to it.

"Holy plastered." Rutger blinked, his eyes wide as he watched the two stumble to face him.

Aven shrugged, glancing at Dylan. "Who? Us?"

"Definitely not." Dylan waved him off, patting Avens back. "I'm gonna go rest my eyes on the couch. Aven, you're my best friend."

Aven pouted, holding a hand to her heart. "You're a true ladies man, Duker!"

Jacob and Rutger shared a glance before laughing. Jacob nodding towards the girl. "Make sure you don't fall over, okay?"

"I'm good." Aven rolled her eyes. "Where's your bathroom?"

"To the left." Jacob gestured before walking her towards it, holding her by her elbow. "You good? Can I leave you or do you need company?"

Aven held herself up with the door, nodding quickly. "All good! Thanks, Truscott."

She shut the door, feeling the room spin as she groaned, leaning on the bathroom counter as she stared at herself in the mirror.

"You're so pretty." His voice sent shivers down her spine as he began to braid her hair, the sloppiness made her giggle as she stared at him through the mirror.

"Thank you. You too." Aven complimented, watching his face twist.

He spun her around, her hair falling loose. "I don't know if you're supposed to call a guy pretty, Aves."

"Well you are." Aven shrugged, his arms going around his neck. "You're perfect to me."

Jack smiled as his arms wrapped around her back, lifting her in the air as she squealed, spinning her around like a princess.

Three knocks at the door had Aven lifting her head, wiping the wetness from underneath her eyes. She hadn't even felt the tears fall. She blinked, opening the door.

"Hey." Mark chuckled as she placed her temple on the side of the door, staring up at him. "You alright?"

"Mhm." Aven hummed, feeling herself become dizzy as she stepped back. Arms flung around her, his laugh echoing off the walls as he lowered them both to the ground.

"Easy." Mark cooed, placing her against the wall as he sat in front of her, she brought her knees to her chest.

Aven glanced out of the door, seeing no one's silhouette. "Where is everyone?"

"Uh, Duker is passed out. Luke is on the phone with someone, Bella and Ethan are hooking up, and i'm pretty sure Lily is yacking her brains out." Mark explained, his lips in a flat line.

Aven laughed, holding her fingers to the rapid beat on her veins. "Sounds like quite the hangout, huh?"

"Oh, this is, like, three times a week." Mark shrugged, carefully running his eyes over her figure with concern. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yes." Aven reassured. "I don't wanna go home."

Mark leaned up slightly with furrowed brows. "You don't? I mean, you just got here so I understand."

"No." Aven shook her head. "I don't wanna face all my problems back home."

Mark parted his lips with a small nod. "I'm sure whatever it is will be fine." He attempted to comfort her as she stared at him.

Aven kept her legs straight before getting on her knees, shifting her to be beside the boy as she face him, the two diagonal from one another.

He lifted his hand, bringing it to tuck her hair behind her ear as he flicked his eyes between her glossy ones.

"And this is the bathroom..." Luke trailed off, his body coming into the doorway as his phone faced the two. Both of them, jolting at his intrusion. "Oh, God!"

"What was that?" The familiar voice on the other line asked, shifting around.

Chills came across her body as she stared at Luke, the camera facing him as he went pale. "Nothing. It was nothing."

"Is that..." Aven asked, his name nearly making her vomit as she sat up on her knees.

"Aven?" Jacks voice rang in her ears. "Luke, what the fuck? Is she drunk? Is she hooking up with that kid?"

Luke was quick to shut the door, mumbling an apology to the two as his footsteps patted away. Aven rubbed her eyes, shaking her head. "Sorry, Mark."

"Hey, it's alright. Let's get you back to the dorm." Mark nodded, forcing a smile as he helped her up, wrapping an arm around her as she leaned on him.

"Aven!" Lily yelped, wiping her mouth as her big brother shook his head, toppling over himself. "Yo, Mark. Are you sober?"

"I wasn't." Mark chuckled, gesturing down to Aven. "Where's Bella?"

"Oh, I don't know." Kienan hiccuped, staring at the stairs as giggling emerged, Bella's hair a knotted ball as she glowed.

Ethan's face was in a smug smirk as he walked her down the steps, nodding at mark.

"We were just talking about you." Lily chuckled, scrunching her nose up at the brunette. Bella pursued  her lips, her face falling as her eyes landed on Aven.

"Aves..." Bella shook her head in shock. "You never drink."

"I blame Duker." Aven held her hands up in defense, her head falling back on Marks collarbone. "You know we have a flight in five hours."

Bella covered her face with her hands. "I do. That's why we should probably get you home, love. Thank you, Mark. I'll take it from here."

"Anytime. Get home safe." Mark squeezed her hipbone, Aven shuttering at his touch before being whisked away by Bella.

the way i actually wanna slam my face into
a concrete wall

INVISIBLE STRING, jack hughes ⋆ ★Where stories live. Discover now