11-𓆏Hold your horses

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That night, I couldn't help but think of all the different ways I could have changed the course of the interaction. Did I make a fool of myself? Does he think I'm a nerd or some obsessed loser? I probably could have been friendlier. Maybe that's a bad thing? Was he uncomfortable? Oh lord, did his hand get infected?

I couldn't shake the feeling that I had done something stupid, it was dumb I know. There were so many things that I could've said. I just wonder what he thought of the whole situation...

A buzz from your nightstand grabs your attention.


Band chat

Ellie: Hola. How's everyone's evening?

Martie: It's alr. But more importantly, how was y/n's evening. What happened with Walker? Didn't look like a pretty nosebleed.

Oscar: How is he anyway? That fall hit pretty hard eh?

Y/n: I can't ask. Don't have any way of contacting him.

Oscar: Oh riiightt

Ellie: Well I suppose we won't know until the grammy's then.

Martie: OH YEAAAHHH. Forgot about that.

Ellie: Didn't you see him at the record place? Or was it like his freaky doppelganger?

Y/n: Hold your horses bro. the dude was  prolly just a doppelganger.

Martie: Message from the universe. Ya'll must be soulmates or sum. Because stuff like this doesn't just HAPPEN.

Oscar: Maybz i should start calling Walker your husband or something.

Martie: you weren't there, but that dude Charlie called her his wife. And I quote "Enough talk with your wife now. We oughta be going. It was great meeting you all"

Ellie: Quote"Hold your horses" -Y/n.

Y/n: He did.

Ellie: It's probably an inside joke of sorts. Maybe, just maybe... WALKER HAS A THING FOR YOUUUUU

Y/n: Um no, he doesn't.

Oscar: Anyway. Doe's anyone wanna hang out at 3rd street tomorrow? That's when they get all the new ones in. Thus, everything is in stock.

Y/n: Yusssss please.

Ellie: I can't come sorrsss. My mom's flying in from Canada.

Martie: Neither can I. Also, when did your mom go to Canada???

Ellie: Uuuh a week ago? Nvm

Oscar: Ig it will be just u n me y/n. Maybe we'll see this "Doppelganger" you mentioned.

Y/n: Don't get your horses up.

Y/n: Hope's*



I remember on the website that they were supposed to have the record tomorrow. My mind kept bouncing me to the idea of her being there. I did see her last time, but I dunno. I mean the odds of seeing anyone I know there is crazy slim. Therefore, the chances of seeing her are also slim.

And I'm not saying that I don't want to see her... It's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to say anything normal. I already know I made a bad impression this evening. She probably thinks I'm a total douchebag/Idiot. 



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