Ch 2: Out of the ordinary

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Olivia heard a sudden few knocks on the door, answering it it revealed a man in a delivery uniform handing a tablet to Olivia to sign for a few feet tall package. After signing and the man leaving Olivia slowly an silently walked up to her box.
She bent down lifting it up then carried it back inside.
Melanie took noticed of Olivia's package, "Oooo, is that that puppet show prop you've been mentioning?"
"Yup" Olivia nodded in response gently placing the tall box on a nearby table.
Melanie grabbed some scissors handing them to Olivia, she used them cut the taped flaps of the box.
Opening it she dig her hands through the packing peanuts till she felt material. She grabbed the item pulling it out to reveal him, Wally. He had a calm monotone expression on his face.
"Is that it? Quite the blue bouffant! Where are ya gonna put him?" Melanie slightly tilts her head at Olivia in a curious tone of voice.
"Let's see..let's place Mr.Rainbow McSunshine on...oh!" she rushed into her room with a small glint in her eyes. Olivia places the puppet gently on an empty chair next to vintage movie figurines that sat on an shelf and other smaller tv set props.
"There" She backed away to admire her completed collection.
"You sure about him, Olivia?" Melanie give out a chuckle "He looks like he's...watching us..staring at us..OoOOoo" Melanie joked
"Hah..funny, all those other gaudy I've seen my great auntie's collection of porcelain dolls that always had that stare" Olivia gave out a small laugh "like they can read your mind and learn about you're secrets"
Chirpenstein flew to Olivia's right shoulder narrowing his blue eyes suspiciously at Wally.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip to night~~~~~~~~~
Olivia laid at her bed reading a book on the supernatural till she felt an unnerving sense that riddled her nerves and skin. She felt someone...was staring...watching her..judging her..
She glanced down at Hydra asleep at the foot of her bed, Olivia frowned then looked at Chirpenstein which was also deep in slumber. Olivia scanned the room from left to right, her door was closed and nobody was at the window.
But.....she still felt discomforting dread within the pits of her stomach till she locked eyes on Wally, the source of the eerie feeling.
Olivia lifted an eyebrow crawling out of her bed. She stared back at the puppet still frowning, slowly walking towards him silently upon noticing how dilated Wally's eyes were. Her eye twitched with such unease.
"Hmmmm" She narrowed her eyes at him " playing games of staring contests Mr.Creepshow??.. "You're no different then other creepy dolls I've encountered...And I swear you're eyes changed slightly...huh..will I'm just gonna move you for tonight so I won't have to feel your..staring.." Olivia grabbed the 3 ft tall puppet and moved him to a rocking chair in the living room.
"Phew..good night little Mr.Creepshow!" She turned back heading to her room.
The next day Olivia sat her computer intrigued by the show that the puppet she bought came from. She stopped and looked back at Wally. "...huh" she turned her attention to the screen. She found little to no footage of the show but it was said that it was popular during the 70s but after a few years it suddenly disappeared, then completely forgotten.
After getting Wally in the mail Olivia begin noticed small activities from him, even as far as moving back to her bedroom's chair.

Eerily darling puppetWhere stories live. Discover now