Ch 5: So curious

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        ~~~~~~Later that evening~~~~~
Wally stood in front of  the closet that held the television set.

While Olivia was away, curiosity took over.

He opened the doors inch by inch until a female voice spoke up of a sudden, but it didn't belong to Olivia.

"Just what do you think you're doing??"

Wally turned to face a robotic unicorn that reached up to his height. It was Hydra.

"Why hello, little critter." Wally gave a calm smile at Hydra

"I am Hydra, I have my skepticism about you..Wally?..I advise you to steer away from those doors and you should now realize how Olivia is..just what makes you gain such curiosity??"

"I am very sorry if I upset you Hydra dear, that isn't very neighborly thing to do..I was just curious about this certain familiar TV that she showed me earlier.."

"Apology accepted, but I also advise not to touch that TV either, Mr.Wally..oh how I warned her about that..thing..luckily I felt relieved when she wrapped it in chains....ugh" Hydra sighed

Another voice called out that belong to Olivia, she came home with Melanie from visiting friends.

Olivia went to go check on Wally to find him in the hallway with Hydra looking warm and inviting to see her.

"Phew..hey Wally..hey Hydra"  Olivia heads into her room.

Oh how being told not to touch this mysterious haunted TV makes you just..want to mess with it even more..but morality can get to ya at times..

Curiosity can take over..

Do not take the chains off she said?
As time past,late at night Wally quietly stood up at the closet doors. He glanced at Olivia and Hydra fast asleep in bed then back at the doors, he reached for the door knobs.

Inch by inch, slowly opening the doors revealing the old television set, still sitting there. Wally checked back Olivia once more before heading to this vintage boxy broadcast system.

He stood in front of the dark blank screen. He slowly placed a hand on the chains and  moved them enough for the tv to react.


The tv screen blasted on a loud static snowy screen flashing blurred pictures that were too fast to make out. Like it sensed him.

Wally turned the on/off knob, it turned to old shows and movies. Wally placed his hand on the channel knob, his pupils slightly dilated while flipping through the channels, it flipped to a light hearted children's educational show called "Mister Roger's neighborhood".
He kept flipping...till he came across a mysterious one..a show he's most familiar with.

"Welcome Home"

It showed his old neighborly friends happily talking and solving through problems. Just like old times.


"Wally??" Olivia gasped upon noticing the chains have been moved, "You touched the chains.."

Wally whipped around to find a groggy Olivia in her blue floral pajamas. She frowned at Wally not heaving her warning about touching her supernatural tv. She's was going to open her mouth to get onto to him more till she noticed the vibrant colorful puppet show.

Her face soften and walked closer to Wally's side.

"Is that.." Olivia made a slight puzzled expression.."Is that??"

"It's my old home.." Wally explained while staring up at the screen in a reminiscing way.

Wally raised his hand to touch the screen till it was stopped by Olivia, like she was advising him for safety reasons while watching the little puppet program.

Olivia looked slightly hypnotized, "It's..quite lovely, colorful, and..quite-" A sudden scribble swirl flashed on screen for a split second then it flashed more scribbles of eyes.


The screen began to glitch and twitch violently at the two as if it was about to jump. Olivia looked more immersed, her pupils slightly dilated as she slowly put her hand on the display.

Suddenly, a static glitchy boney-like hand appeared out of the screen as if it was fixing to grab them. The hand faded in midair.

Olivia shakes her head to try and come to her senses.
"C-c'mon...Wally" she quickly walk over to try and press the button before anything else happens.

The static hand shot out and grabbed Olivia's wrist.
Olivia gasped in shock that was drenched in sudden dread as the hand begin to yank her towards the screen. Wally pulled at her pant leg hopelessly trying to stop her from getting dragged anymore while Olivia tried to squirm her wrist out of this entity's grip.

Static began to slowly cover the two as it started to suck them into the broadcast display.

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