The past before Roger freed them

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Astraeus was walking to his big brother and twin.

Then Astraeus saw hanko and Nika and then runs up and hugs Nika.

"Big brother do you think there going to seal us."

Asks Astraeus a little sad and scared.

"They might but I'am not sure."

Says Nika as he and Hanko looks at Astraeus with a sad look.

(Okay so a little time skip hanko, Astraeus and Nika did get sealed. I don't know how they got seal. but you can try and figure that out, and if you want you can send it to me and I might change this chapter. and now Roger has gotten to laugh tale. I don't know if it's called laugh tale.)

"Hahahah we made it."

Laughs Roger as he looks at his crew.

"Yeah we did now don't run off Roger I don't feel like running after you."

Says a very annoyed Rayleigh as he looks at Roger............and Roger is gone.

"Oh fucking hell!"

Yells an angry Rayleigh as he looks around for Roger.
But out of no where a giant light piller appears and Rayleigh starts to run that way.

(Now we go to Roger's pov Roger were he left Rayleigh.)

Roger was laughing as he ran for the forest will thing.

":ooooh what will I find:"

Then Roger stops as he sees an treasure chest and he walks to it.
The chest looks older than anything else that was on the island so he opens the chest and a light beem comes out of the chest and he hear someone yell.

"We free."

And when Roger looked he sees 3 gods.
Roger was shocked as he looks at them and then one of them looks at him and say.

"Mmm did you free us."

The god with white hair asks.

"Yeah I did."

Says Roger is still shocked and then the boy with black and red glow hair looks at him.

"Big brother can I go with him."

Asks the boy and the white hair male looks at his little brother and then at Roger.

"Do you promise to take care of brother."

Asks the white hair god.
And Roger just nods.
And the white hair god and the blond hair god with Roger only now notest noded at him as they disappear. And the god with black and red glow hair transformed into a child that flooded down into Roger's arms as Roger crew finally came running through the forest and Roger looked at them before saying.

"We have a new crew mate."

And he moves so his crew can see the child and all of them yell.


With Hanko and Nika.

"Should we really leave Astraeus with them."
Asks Hanko as he looks at Nika.

"Yeah he will be save and they will take good care of him. Now where do you want to go."
Asks Nika.

"I think I will go to the Rvolutionary Army."
Says Hanko as he looks at Nika.

"And what about you."

Nika just smiles like always.

"I will look how the world is now so I will be travelling."

Says Nika with a smile.
Hanko smiles as he looks at Nika.

"but where will we find you again.

Asks Hanko as he looks at Nika with a sad look.
Nika smiles as he kisses Hanko on the head. (Like brothers.)

"you should know that i will always find you gays."

Says Nika with a smile as he leaves Hanko.
As Hanko is almost at the Rvolutionary base.

Hanko smiles as he transform into a baby and makes it so it looks like he was put in an barrel and thrown out into the water.

Dragon was walking on the beach when he heard a baby crying.
So Dragon immediately ran to the barrel and open's it and he see a little baby with Blond hair.
Dragon looks at the baby in shock as he picks the baby up and the baby looks at him and then giggles.

Dragon smiles as he looks at the baby and he starts to walk back to the base.

and what is Nika doing well.

Nika lands on a island in the east blue. (yes it's dawn island.)
Nika smiles as he walks into the little town. (yes its foosha village)
Nika walks to one of the people and asks where he can bye a houes.
The person looks at him and asks.

"Do you have enough barry's?"

And Nika just smiles.

"yeah i have enough."

The person nods before handing Luffy a paper.

"okay i just need you to sign here so i know your name and age."

Says the person and Nika smiles as he signs.

"so your name is Luffy and your 19."

luffy smiles.


(sorry if you think its short i'm trying to find out what to write so yeah sorry if they take some time. hope you like my story's.)

(words 822)

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