The puppies are here

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A few weeks have passed since Cruella last came, and poor Perdita was still depressed, of course she didn't had any choice, the puppies arrived right on schedule, one wild and stormy night in October. The clock was ticking as Pongo, Roger and Tommy were at the kitchen, waiting nervously for any news of the puppies' arrival. Nanny came through the door and picked up a towel, before going back downstairs to help Perdita. Pongo and Tommy placed their ears to on the door to hear any news, but so far nothing. Tommy: "Oh man... this is nerve wreaking... what's taking so long?" Roger: "Steady boys..." that was when Nanny came through the door with an excited look on her face. Nanny: "The puppies are here!" Roger: "Really?, how many?" Nanny: "8!" Roger: "8?!, well done Pongo!" Nanny: "Wait... 10 puppies!" Anita: "11!" shouted Anita from downstairs. Nanny: "11!" Roger: "11 puppies?!, wow!" Nanny: "Wait a minute now, wait a minute... 13!, oh no, no, no, 14!... oh 15!" Roger: "15?!" Tommy: "Really?!" Nanny: "Yes!, and the mother is doing fine." Roger: "15 puppies... why Pongo boy that's marvelous, you old rascal!" Tommy: "Wow... that's a lot of puppies..." but then Nanny came in with something in a towel in her hands with a sad look on her face. Nanny: "14... just 14... we lost one..." Tommy: "What... what happened?" Nanny: "The last one didn't make it... poor thing..." said Nanny, before giving the towel to Roger, who also had a sad look on his face. Roger: "Oh boys... it's just one of those things..." Tommy: "I wish it wasn't..." Roger: "And yet... and yet I wonder..." said Roger, before he started to rub the puppy in the towel a bit to see if changed anything. A few moments later, nothing seems to have change, before Tommy noticed some movement under the towel. Tommy: "Hey look..." said Tommy, before he, Pongo and Roger see that the last puppy was moving a bit, showing signs that it was alive. Roger: "Anita!, Nanny!, we still have 15!" shouted Roger, before Anita and Nanny came to the scene with joy on their faces. Anita: "Oh thank goodness!" Roger: "See, the little one's alive again." Anita: "Can you believe it?, 15 puppies!" but then suddenly, a lightning strike came through the sky as Cruella De Vil came into the room, much to everyone's shock. Cruella: "15 you say?, 15 puppies?, how marvelous, how perfect...[sees the little puppy with disgust look on her face] ugh!, there's no spots at all, nothing but a little white rat of a mongrel!" Nanny: "They are not mongrels!, they'll get their spots!, just wait a see!" Tommy: "Yeah, Dalmatians don't get spots when they were just born, not until they're much older." Anita: "They're right Cruella, they'll get their spots in a few weeks." Cruella: "Oh, well in that I take them all, the whole litter." Roger: "But they were just born!" Cruella: "I can see that, I'm not blind." Anita: "But we can't just give them away, poor Perdita will be heartbroken." Cruella: "Oh Anita dear, you can't possibly afford to keep them, you can barely take care of yourselves." Anita: "I'm sure we'll get the money we need." Cruella: "Oh yes I know, through Roger's, ha, ha, ha, Roger's songs!, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" this only made the boys to glare at the devil woman, who takes out what looked like a check. Cruella: "Anyway all jokes aside, I can pay twice the amount they're worth, I'm being more than generous... oh blast this pen!, blasted this wretched pen eh!" shouted Cruella as the ink finally came out of the pen, which was now on the boys, who were still glaring at the devil woman like it didn't happened. Cruella: "Now when can the puppies leave their mother?, 2 weeks?, 3 weeks?" Roger: "Never..." Cruella: "What?" Roger: "We uh we're not selling... the puppies, not a single one, you understand?" said Roger, trying to have the courage to stand up to the devil woman. Cruella: "Anita dear, is he kidding?" Anita: "Well Cruella, I think he's quite serious." Cruella: "Oh surely he must be joking." Roger: "No, no, I mean it, y-you're not getting one, n-n-not one!, and t-t-that's... final!" Tommy and Pongo nodded their heads in agreement, much to the devil woman's anger. Roger: "Why you... you... alright!, do whatever you want with the little beasts for all I care!, drown them!, but I'm warning you Anita, we're through!, I'm through with all of you!, I'll get even, just wait!, you'll be sorry!, you fools!, you... you idiots!" shouted Cruella, before slamming the door shut as Pongo barks at the devil woman with the sound of lighting being heard outside. Anita: "Oh Roger you were magnificent darling!" said Anita as she hugs Roger. Nanny: "Oh he certainly was, a blooming hero!" said Nanny, as Pongo and Tommy came downstairs to see Perdita. Pongo: "Perdita, did you hear, we're keeping the puppies, every single one of them!" Tommy: "Yeah, Roger told that devil woman off, she's gone for good." Perdita: "Oh boys..." said Perdita in relief, as the puppies were feeding off their mother's milk.

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