23.An Obsession so Forbidden

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Sorry for being MIA for so long since it's my boards approaching.

⚠️I would request you guys to gather your emotions before reading the chapter and making any judgement.

Please go thoroughly through the characters emotions and opinions. Do not make any misconception.⚠️

Rhea's pov"Fuck!" My voice resonated in the ambiance, making a chord when the flying phone smashed with a screech on the wall

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Rhea's pov
"Fuck!" My voice resonated in the ambiance, making a chord when the flying phone smashed with a screech on the wall.

Every devious emotion that I feel, I always feel them in abundance. I could feel every vein beneath my skin throbbing, my breath ragged and body shaking. All with rage.

It was pricking through my skin, stabbing in my gut and mocking at my face. All these voices in my head are so fucking much loud that I can't even concentrate on the soft velvety voice calling out for me.

Those ear splitting laughter bursting with sneers, those hideous hands crawling all over me, making my flesh scorch and my breathing getting strangled due to the virulent sultriness enveloping me.

One. Two. Three.

One. Two. Three.

For hell's sake! How could you, bhai ? It was us who understood the solace we seeked within the draps of darkness. We both agreed that the world is bunched with stereotype hypocrites and creatures with masks of goodness, so we will be ourselves. Reigning with dark malice and manipulation.

It was supposed to be us against the stupid world and its delusions and its facade of morality. It was us with our fucked up morals and the comprehension of how actually fucked up we are inside our head.

My legs, shaking due to rage, stumbled and involuntarily my hands reached out for the nearest thing to steady my body. My fingers brushed across the sleekness of the nearby porcelain vase, another wave of fury erupted in my chest as my fingers rolled around it and my hand raised to smash it down.

With a clenched jaw, my fury swarmed eyes countered with the worry filled ones. Destructive stormy dark grey of mine clashed with the congenial earthy light brown of hers. Saumya visibly shudders under my malicious stare yet refuses to unbolt her hold around my wrist.


"You need to stop intruding in my way every fucking time." I gritted out before jerking free from her clutch. Spontaneously my brain flashed the memory of the night of Aarav's farewell party. I would have reached Mishika and she wouldn't have vanished away from my sight had Saumya not blocked my path.

"And I'll continue doing that. Everytime." A dry laugh rumbled through my throat. I haven't kicked her out of my life even after her poking nose in my matters six years ago or even now.

"You've to accept that what you did to Mishika and were going to do was wrong."

"And when was the time you heard me boasting that I'm some good person with high class morals ?" My jaw ticked, I gritted my teeth so hard that it made my cheeks hurt. "At least that wouldn't have landed her into pregnancy and a death call miscarriage."

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