[🎨 | SttS] i think we're gonna have to kill this guy Lava

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Sheep to the Slaughter AU

a meme that fits these two's dynamic

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a meme that fits these two's dynamic.
design probably not final? idk lolz, i had a bunch of fun drawin' them tho!!

anyways yeah, since Lava really wanted to investigate the Steve Realm Box was in, he eventually caved and gave him the Seed to the Server.

the only thing he really asked of him was if he could watch him play sometimes, since well, he's a little terrified that Lava's Avatar is gonna get fucked over too.
and also because he's worried.
cuz y'know. horror steve realm.

so yeah, canonically Box is sitting next to Lava as he investigates the world, helping him out. the Box-code-ghost thingy is invisible to the steves, while people who can look pass the Avatars and at the Players (or are Avatars themselves) can see him. which aren't a lot xP

also!!  the BO videos by Lava are made on his own accord. he wants footage to back up his experience, after all.

okay that's all, it's midnight here. hope u like art :3  g'nightt

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