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I let out a groan as I wake up, rubbing my eyes with one hand as I prop myself up on one elbow. There's barely any light in my room, but it's enough to make out the rough shapes of objects. I turn my head to the left, looking out the window next to my bed.

The sky is painted shades of pink and orange as the light from the rising sun reflects off the glittering blue sea, the soft slushing of the waves against the shore filling the air.

I swing my legs off the bed and slide into my sandals, the leather sole moulded to my feet as I take a few steps forward, pulling on my wetsuit and grabbing my surfboard. I carry the wooden board out the back door, shutting it behind me gently as my foot sinks into the sand before heading straight for the ocean.

The ocean is exactly what I need today in order to calm my nerves. Usually, this part of District 4, nicknamed the Deep, would be crowded with divers about to set off for their exploration, marine biologists getting ready to sail off into the vast waters for their research and children training to be lifeguards at this time. But today, the beach was void of people. The sea, quieter than usual.

The reaping wasn't until two. May as well catch a few waves since I can't seem to sleep in.

Our house, being on the edge of the Deep, made for easy access to the ocean and, hence, made it easy for me to surf whenever I could. My dad had first taught me to surf when I was three, and since then I had fallen in love with it. There was something about surfing which made me feel free– well, as free as you could get, anyways.

I spend a minute or two standing by the beach, taking in the smell of sea-salt water and the sight of the waves. Taking a deep breath in, I let out a sigh as I place the board on the ground before pushing it slightly into the shallow waters. I watch the waves again, my hand gently resting on the wooden surface before I climb on top. Paddling quickly to make sure I would catch the next wave, I soon drifted far away into the marine on my board.

Though surfing or swimming in the ocean was legal in District 4, not many bothered to do it as they would rather stay on land then to venture out into the deep end where all they had was themselves to stay afloat and because only a minority of the residents in the District actually owned surfboards.

The squawking of the sea gulls pierced through the silence and peacefulness as I stood up slowly, careful to catch the right moment before shifting my weight back and forth, riding out the wave as I scaled the massive structure up and down as it gradually grew smaller.


At shore was the only other person who bothered to surf with me. Cordelia Tremaine. She smiles at me as she gives me a wave, moving her hand from left to right excitedly as she grips onto her board with her other hand, her blonde hair following the motion of the wind as a few strands fly astray. I was known for spending most of my time surfing, hence most people usually referred to me with that nickname since I was the one who spent the most time on my board.

"Look, I got a new board," Cordelia smiles, raising up her rather long wooden board. I look at it as I walk closer to her, wondering why I hadn't noticed sooner. Her new board is in a lighter shade than her previous one with a stripe running down the middle. "Pretty, isn't it?"

"Very," I smile, running my fingers through my hair which was now wet, "going to try it out?"

Nodding, she smiles as she drops the small bag she had been carrying with her on the grainy surface, running up to the water with her board before sliding it beneath her. Paddling, water splashes up in the air as she approaches the incoming wave which she had clearly anticipated. She must've been practising as she was suddenly an expert in knowing how to time things right as she stands up at the perfect timing, catching the water as she moves gracefully across.

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