Friends (part 1)

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Warnings and stuff that will be mentioned:

Swearing :P, mentions of sh, mentions of suicide, mentions of eating disorders, mentions of depression, probably the most detail into my life so far-


So for friends I have SO much to talk Abt bc friendships are so fucking complicated it's actually ridiculous at this point.

I think I'm going to do like an insanely simplified version of what has happened before the following events that will be the main sort of thing in this chapter and then I might do a couple other chapters going into more detail :]

So just to make it clear I am currently in year 9.

And ppl who will be mentioned (who they r to me then and now):

Chloe: then- my first friend in high school. Now- talk now and then.

Ashu: then- my girlfriend for a bit, good friends. Now- rarely talk except in maths sometimes.

Effie: then- close friend. Now- barely ever talk unless she wants a pen in English.

Seren: then- close friend, first person to meet my new cat. Now: talk sometimes especially in dt and food prep.

Jasmine: then- best friend. Now- fucking bitch who I hate with passion.

Eva: then- kind of friend. Now- bitch, never speak.

Katie: then- friends, in my German class. Now- it's complicated but my "best friend" ig.

Libby: then- grew apart a bit (been friends since year 3). Now- one of my closest friends.

Oh and ofc Oliver: then- best friend/boyfriend. Now- again complicated but friends...

Poppy: then- annoying ass ginger bitch. Now- annoying ginger bitch (one of my closest friends:])

So before I start year 7 I go to a summer camp, here I meet Chloe.

Me and Chloe become friends.

I start year 7 (me and Chloe are in the same form) and I meet ashu.

Ashu introduces me to Effie and I introduce Chloe to everyone.

We become a group.

Then there's the "popular" group of Katie, jasmine and Eva and I stay clear of them bc I do NOT have good luck with the popular groups.    (That'll go in another chapter :/)

Then a massive group is created of: me, ashu, Effie, Chloe, Seren, jasmine, Eva and Katie.

End of year 7: I become close with jasmine.

Year 8 :/

We get to after October and the drama starts.

Eva has left the group.

Katie and jasmine have a fight.

Now this fight was dirty af but I tried not to but I admit now that I sister with jasmine bc she was closer to me than Katie was.

One thing that I hate Katie for to this day is that she told jasmine that she self harmed because of her. This is not right. However true it may be NEVER EVER SAY THIS BC IT FUCKING HURTS.

So Seren kind of stays neutral like me a bit, some shit goes down idk.

February, year 8, me and jasmine are best friends.

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