Friends (part two)

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Warnings and stuff that will be mentioned:

Swearing, suicide, pills and stuff, I think that should be it, sorry if I missed anything :]


Hey guys-

Istg I've been so dead wtf



welcome back to part two of friends bc I can't seem to keep them😍

Todays main feature is the one and only Katie 

Quick description/background info and shit:

- Katie

- Caused our whole friend group to split in year 8

- We became bsfs after jasmine dropped me-

- She is ALWAYS copying my work and answers

- She has a bf called harry (not for long that shit is one sided af)


Oki Doki that'll do donkey

Also when it comes to messages they are in quotation marks, my messages will be in bold and Katie's will be in italic :D


Right so, Katie and harry got together something like December 1st idk and she has slowly been dropping me and Libby. She went from spending every lunch with us, to spending half of lunch with us, to leaving at break and lunch to fuck off with harry.

At first she used to ask me and Libby if it was ok for her to go until a Tuesday break when I looked at her and said "I don't care if you go off with him, he's your boyfriend. Just come back at the end"

So she left that break time

And didn't come back at the end.

So that was the start of her beginning to piss me off.

So now we move forward to Saturday 2nd of march (I think-) and obv I go to this skating club and volunteer and she's now decided to come along as well.

The thing with Katie is that if I like something all of the sudden she likes it too.

This was also the Saturday that I cut a load of my hair off! 

As a volunteer I get there at around 3:30pm and the club opens to ppl at 3:45pm but when I go in I get a message from Katie, which I saw on my watch, that says "GIRLIE WHY DIDN'T U TELL ME U CUT YOUR HAIR????? IT LOOKS GOOOD" (this is important a bit later on I suppose)

But on this Saturday I kid u not it was so fucking busy I barely had a minute to myself, it was crazy.

So I didn't speak to Katie.

Ok fact about me: I don't really like hugging ppl, I will hug my parents but like I will barely even hug my brother, let alone my friends unless they REALLY need it.

She came up to us at the end and hugged Libby but I was still skating AND bc I am a volunteer I help pack shit away and say thanks to ppl and stuff so I was still pretty busy.

Anyway she looked at me and said something along the lines of "I won't hug you because..." AND I DIDN'T HEAR THE LAST FUCKING BIT WHICH I AM SO MAD AT MYSELF FOR-

So after she has left I get my phone out (after packing up as well) and go onto her message from earlier and I reply with "bc I didn't tell u? I only got it this morning"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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