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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

Madeline and John walked hand in hand down toward the Garrison. "Arthur tried to bloody hang himself last night— stole five hundred from the business too." John said, clearly releasing whatever it was that had been stressing him.

"Five hundred— and did what with it?"

"Gave it to our whore beating father, that's what. He's stupid! He's just fucking stupid!" John fumed. "And then the guns were found and the police went after Tom— shit i shouldn't have said that."

She quickly stopped him. "I'm not interested in your family business John, not the illegal side of it anyway."

He let out a breath of relief and nodded. The sky was getting dark and they had finally reached the Garrison. John held the door open for her and led her into the snug.

"What do ya want to drink, eh?" He asked. Madeline thought for a moment. "We have decent gin, do you want gin?" He suggested. She nodded simply and took a seat.

John peered into the small window in the wall and got their drinks. "Thanks," he grumbled, carrying them over to the table.

"You seem on edge." He noticed. John sat beside her and poured her a glass of gin. She shook her head and smiled in attempt to ease him. "Just still trying to get used to it all i suppose."

John hummed and lit a cigarette. "Can I smoke?"

Her eyebrows furrowed whilst she nodded in approval. "Although there is one thing i can't seem to shake, John."

"And what's that?"

"Your dad said he believed he'd seen my father back in town— but he's dead?" Madeline said quietly. John remembered the conversation from two days previous and raised an eyebrow. "Either he's mistaken you for someone else or he's mistaken whoever it is he seen to be your father."

She bit her bottom lip and thought. There was nothing else they could do about it anyway, it was such a small issue. And their dad had robbed Arthur blind before getting on a train to disappear again.

"Nothing will happen to you, you know that don't you? I'm here now. I'm here to keep ya safe." He said. She nodded and took his hand in hers. "I know."

"Only been a few weeks and i can read you like a book, Mads." He whispered to her, leaning in close. Madeline closed her eyes for a few seconds. "There's nothing you need to worry about."

"How can you be sure, John? I've gone from one family to another— both as bad as each other. Yes, i wasn't happy there but.." She paused.

John gently let go of her hand. "But what?"

"But i can't help but feel i've left my brother behind." Madeline admitted. She stared into her lap. John placed his drink down and crossed his arms. "Who, Theodore?"

She looked up at him quickly.

"Ain't he fourteen? From what i've heard, he seems to be coping fine. It was that little bastard who helped the Lee boys do us over." He scowled.

"Please don't call him that." Madeline said quietly.

"No he is though, ain't he? You know it too." John said. "Nevertheless, do not call him that. He is my brother. You do not get to call him that, John." Her voice began trembling.

John had noticed this and turned to face her. "Madeline, it was only a few weeks ago he helped steal a horse from the fair. When I was fourteen, I was shovelling horse shit with my uncle."

"When I was fourteen I was arguing with my cousin about how I think there is no use in marriage— what good is a man? I'd ask her that frequently!" She snapped.

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