chapter 14

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The soft glow of the moon filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle luminescence in my room. Miko, my nekoushou pawn, nestled comfortably on my lap, her rhythmic purring creating a soothing melody. I couldn't help but smile as I gently scratched behind her ear, savoring the peaceful moment.

Me:Enjoying the attention, aren't you, Miko?

I whispered, my voice a hushed murmur in the tranquil stillness of the night.

Miko's eyes, with their feline gleam, half-closed in contentment. She responded with a soft purr, her tail flicking lazily. The bond between us was more than just a contractual arrangement; it was a connection forged through battles and shared moments like these.

As I continued to stroke her fur, my mind wandered to the events of the day—the workshop discussions with Lord Deimos, the ongoing plan for the new balanced sacred gear, and the looming threat from Lux Nebarius. The weight of responsibilities pressed upon me, but in this quiet moment, they faded into the background.

Her purring seemed to convey a sense of understanding. It was moments like these, the simplicity of companionship, that grounded me amidst the complexities of the devil's world.

Seekveira, my queen, entered the room with a gentle smile.

Seekveira:You two seem to be enjoying your quiet time.

I nodded,

Me:Miko here knows how to appreciate the finer things in life.

Seekveira approached and sat beside me on the bed.

Seekveira:You've been working hard, Rex. It's important to take moments like these to recharge.

I leaned back, feeling the softness of the bed against my tired muscles.

Me:You're right. Sometimes, I forget to pause and appreciate the present.

Seekveira placed a gentle hand on my shoulder,

Seekveira:We're here for you, Rex. Your peerage, your queen,  bishops and your loyal pawns.

I gazed into her eyes, finding solace in their warmth.

Me:I'm grateful for each one of you. It's not just about leading; it's about having a family, a peerage that stands by me.

Miko, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, stretched lazily and hopped off my lap, settling on the bed beside us. Seekveira leaned closer, her lips brushing against mine in a tender kiss.

The room embraced us in a cocoon of peace, and as I closed my eyes, I felt a profound gratitude for the love and support that surrounded me. In this moment, I was not just a devil burdened with responsibilities; I was a king, finding solace in the presence of those who mattered most.

The training ground echoed with the rhythmic clash of steel meeting wood as Miko and I engaged in a spirited sparring session. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the open space, as we circled each other with focused determination.

Miko, agile and lithe, twirled her staff effortlessly, its tip leaving trails of motion in the air. Her feline instincts gave her a grace that made predicting her moves a challenging feat. I, on the other hand, gripped my short sword with a firm resolve, studying her movements and adjusting my stance.

With a sudden burst of energy, Miko lunged forward, aiming a swift strike at my midsection. I parried with my sword, the clash resonating through the air. It was clear she wasn't holding back, and I appreciated the challenge.

Miko:You're getting better, Rex nya~

Miko remarked, a playful gleam in her eyes as she danced away from my counterattack.

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