Chapter 6

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After she left, I got busy with studying and lost track of the time. By the time I was done, the cafe was closing. I quickly shuffled out the door as the barista glared daggers at me. That gaze made me uncomfortable because it reminded me of the looks on the faces of the girls that used to bully me in high school because I was a quirky little nerd. Soon, all that trauma made my thoughts start spiraling and I had to run.

So I ran. The ugly memories kept catching up and flooding into my head, so I had to run faster. To outrun the bullies. To outrun my abusive father and my jealous, alcoholic mother. To outrun my terrible ex-boyfriend and his terrible treatment. To outrun my past, my demons, and my life. To outrun myself.

Eventually I got too tired, and I fell. Right onto the cold, hard ground of reality. I crawled the rest of the way to my favorite bridge. I climbed up the ledge and sat on it, my short, petite legs dangling in the wind. I began to sing.

As I sang my heart out, tears streaming down my bloodstained face, stinging against my delicate naturally tanned skin, I forgot all about my surroundings. I didn't notice a crowd forming around me, captivated by my beautiful voice. When I opened my lavender-jasmine-amethyst-sapphire-emerald-chamonile orbs, I was startled by all the people staring right at me. For just a moment, my grip faltered, and I fell.

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