Chapter 2

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She had arrived at the royal palace it was 10 times the size of her family's mansion which was already huge but looked small in comparison. On top of that, there were big fields and gardens attached to the palace, it looked absolutely magical. Roses filled the garden, there was even a lake with ducks swimming in it.

"Ah sorry me, milady" One of the servants bumped into the girl and quickly walked passed her to continue his duties. The place was filled with people, servants, nobles and of course the royal family itself. She hesitated for a moment but went in anyways.

The moment she entered the palace she noticed how perfectly everything looked, the glossy tiles, the huge chandelier with crystals and gold... there was not even one speck of dust to be found, everything just looked so shiny and expensive.

"Hahaha, your highness is truly the most handsome prince!"

"Oh stop it lord Cambridge, however it is true"

She could hear someone speak smugly from a little distance, there was a big crowd of nobles mostly noble men standing around a guy with brown neatly combed hair and green eyes. 'He must be his highness...' she thought and was about to walk over to them, if he was going to be her fiancé then she atleast must try to make a good impression.

She walked over to the crowd of people, she came from behind as she saw the prince talking smugly to what seemed to be his friends. At that time they were as young as 14 to 15 years but acted like they were already adults.

"Yes it is true that his highness is the most perfect human being on this whole earth, not even the young duke Mikhail can compare"

One of the young nobles spoke, the prince stopped laughing... just like the whole crowd, pure silence.

"What did you say, count Abercromby?" He said in a dangerous low almost mocking tone. Everyone knew that his highness couldn't bear the young duke, who was only a couple years older than him, yet he always seemed to outshine him as if everything he did was nothing compared to the duke. It was even so that his own father the king had taken a liking to the young duke as if it were his very own son.

"Y-your highness... I was only trying to-" Count Abercromby continued nervously before he was cut off by a beautiful young lady. The prince noticed and quickly turned around to see his fiancée standing from behind. His anger quickly vanished as he laid his eyes upon the daughter of the duke, and reacted with a smirk.

"I am lady Claire Delevigne, daughter of the duke and your new fiancée... your highness" She said in a calm tone whilst bowing in curtesy, after all he was the prince and it would only be custom to bow.

He smirked some more as he scanned her outfit, she wore a beautiful satin blue gown which looked very expensive and well made, more over her face alone would be considered a master piece. The way how she carried herself with grace and how she wasn't afraid to talk to him made him feel...


"So this must be my new fiancée, huh?" He smirked as the nobles behind him played along and laughed at her as if she was some kind of joke.

She frowned for a second, she couldn't understand why he was acting like that... she did everything right, even put in the effort to look more beautiful than ever just to meet him.

"Yes. I am pleased to meet you, dear fiancé!" She smiled kindly, even if he was a prick there shouldn't be a reason to act impolite.

The moment he stopped laughing the nobles did so too. There was a thick tension filling the room, it was clear as day that he didn't like how she acted. Despite being against the engagement himself, he couldn't stand the fact that she seemed so confident.

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