Like A Wildflower

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I had allready fallen in love
with your little petals
the moment i layed eyes on them
they bloom so beautifully and so bright it's honestly such a sight
the more i have gotten to know you you've shown me your strong stem
and your delicate leaves
and everything on the surface
as ive spoken to you over time
you've let me in so much more
and opened up
which i am so so proud of you for
ive now been shown your long roots which were buried deep into the depths of the damp dark soil
Ive fallen in love with your roots s...
the roots that were hidden and dry
they aren't allways in great shape
but i swear ill allways love them unconditionally and effortlessly
until they can grow on their own again
even then when they are all regrown and thriving
I'll Still be here always and forever
so when they go out of shape
or start to wither
I'll take good care of them
and hopefully you won't even have to worry about anything ever again
and if you ever do
ill be right here to take those worries away
just for you.

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