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🎧: Ve kamleya

"Papa, I've already stated that I JUST don't want to get married," I uttered, frightening everyone in the room with my tone of wrath.

"Veer, and I've also said that you've got to get married; you can't be like this your whole life. Understand this," Dad said in a serious yet worried tone.

As I and my father exchanged tense words, the room filled with an air of unease. Just as I was about to respond, a sudden cry from my mother interrupted me. We turned towards the sound to see my dadi clutching her chest, her face contorted in pain.

Panic swept through the room as everyone realised what was happening. Mom rushed to Dadi's side, tears streaming down her face as she frantically tried to comfort her. Dad swiftly dialled for an ambulance while I, despite my own emotions, remained calm, quickly lifting Dadi into my arms.

"Stay with us, Dadi. We're getting you help," I reassured her, my voice steady despite the chaos around them. With determined steps, I carried Dadi out of the room and towards the waiting ambulance, my heart pounding with worry.

As we sped towards the hospital, my mind raced with fear and concern for my beloved dadi. Memories of their time together flashed through my mind-the laughter they shared, the stories she told me, and the unconditional love she always showed. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

Arriving at the hospital, I handed Dadi over to the medical team, my hands trembling with anxiety. I watched helplessly as they rushed her into the emergency room, disappearing behind the swinging doors.

With a heavy heart, I joined his family in the waiting area, where time seemed to stand still. The minutes stretched into hours as they anxiously awaited news of Dadi's condition. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, filled with fear and uncertainty.

Finally, a doctor emerged from the ER, and my heart leapt into his throat. The doctor approached them with a sombre expression, and for a moment, I couldn't breathe.

But then the doctor spoke, delivering the news they had all been praying for: Dadi had stabilised, and although she was still in critical condition, the medical team was doing everything they could to help her.

Relief washed over me and the family as they clung to each other, grateful for the glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. And as they waited for further updates, I looked at the doctor.

"Can we see her?" I asked the doctor. He called me to the other side. He just gave me a look.

"Rajkumar Your dadi was traumatised by whatever happened. I'm not sure what transpired with your family, but that's not what she's hoping for. Please try not to worry her out; I trust you are aware of the circumstances." The doctor spoke with a scared tone.

I felt like he was hiding something from me. "Dr. Aditya, what is it? Tell me. If it's related to my dadi, just say it." I said, tightening my jaw.

"Well, Rajkumar, the problem is that I'm not sure your dadi will survive if she has one more heart attack. She cannot endure one more heart attack because her health is so fragile." He said it hesitantly, yet in a serious tone.

After hearing this, I wasn't able to process the things in my mind. For a few seconds, I just stood there, staring at the ground. Vanya was calling my name repeatedly; I could hear that but couldn't answer her.

Up until the moment she arrived, she shook my arms to make me return to reality.

"Bhaiya, everyone is asking what the doctor said." She questioned while trembling and tensing up; her anxiety was evident in her eyes.

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