👑 Chapter Twenty-five 👑

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⟪I had so many feelings at that moment; my heart was pounding so fast I couldn't think straight. I felt like I was going to scream from sadness and rage because that was the least I could imagine. All that hope and my dreams were suddenly collapsing right in front of me.⟫

Suddenly, memories flooded back of the day she visited her father with Henrik, only to be refused a meeting. She considered the possibility that Edward's strange behaviour was a form of protection to keep her safe from potential danger.

Annie loosened her grip on the letter, causing it to fall under Felix's feet. He hesitantly picked it up to confirm what he had just heard. He assumed it would be an ordinary will, but Felix was surprised to find a clear confession that Annie was not Edward's daughter. With a fluttering heart, he started reading the letter in a low voice, almost whispering.

"One day, I was surprised to find a wicker basket sitting on my doorstep. As I approached the basket, I noticed a letter attached to it. However, upon reading the letter, I found no clues about your parentage, so I decided to raise you as my own and provide you with all the love and care you deserve. So, I took you in and have been a proud parent ever since, Felix read, feeling the weight of every word.

King Alexander, his unwavering gaze, spoke with an authoritative tone, "Annie, do you want to see your father that much?"

Annie replied with determined eyes. "Yes, I want to!"

King Alexander's expression remained stoic, his eyes revealing nothing of the tumult within. In response to Annie's insistence, he motioned to the knights standing guard outside the study. "Bring the coffin," he ordered, his voice echoing with a chilling finality.

Annie's fists trembled as the knights brought in a solemn, covered coffin. She resisted the truth, believing it to be a charade. But when the lid opened, reality became painfully clear.

Annie's eyes widened in horror as the pallor of her father's face met her gaze. The stark reality lay before her, unyielding and unrelenting. She staggered back, the weight of the truth crashing down on her like an avalanche.

"It's better now. I used the Tower Wizard to connect the head and body; otherwise, she would not be able to handle seeing him in that situation", the king said to himself.

Annie experienced a complete lack of feeling in her body, as if she had ingested a deadly amount of poison. Fixating her gaze on Edward's countenance, she gently grazed his frigid facial features with her fingertips, resulting in an indescribable turmoil deep within her soul.

"Here is your father! You no longer need to secretly escape to meet him."

Tears, silent and unspoken, rolled down her cheeks, mingling with the weight of her lowered head. In a voice laced with bitterness and frustration, she uttered words brimming with seething resentment.

I approached the king, who was sitting in the middle of the sofa with a cold temper. I stood in front of him, facing him. I was breathing slowly in and out, trying to stay calm, but all the rage and fury was boiling inside my blood.

She looked at the king in the eyes, and I kept on speaking: "You are the one who killed him, aren't you? You haven't had to go so long to keep me here."

The king stares at the coffin and listens to Annie's anger with patience. His dark, expressionless eyes reflected nothing, which provoked Annie even more.

"It was unfortunate that Edward perished in such a w~", he was interrupted.

"Stop it! Don't utter my father's name!" she shouted. " You are such a tyrant!"

She swallowed the words that wouldn't come. The king's sharp blade grazed the surface of her throat. A slight wound appeared, from which crimson beads of blood welled up.

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