Maintenance Checks

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I glanced at the note once more before crumpling it up and throwing it away. I'll keep that threat in the back of my mind, knowing that those might not just be empty threats. I got to keep Sun and Moon under the radar. I probably won't tell Eclipse nor Lunar about this, since I don't want them freaking out over their newfound friendship with the two celestial animatronics. But still, I got to be careful.

Once I finished checking Sun for any form of updates and polishing him up, I turned him back on. His sun rays twirled as he was powering back on.

"Did you finish?" Sun wondered. I nodded and smiled reassuringly.

"Yep. I gave you one update, which is facial recognition, since it seemed like that was out of date, but everything else is fine. Besides cleaning you up from extra watercolor paint that gives you splotches on your arms. So you're clean and up to date. Please tell Moon that it's his turn for a maintenance check, okay?"

"Okay! Thank you, Y/N," Sun exclaimed as he left the parts and service room. I let out a breath that I've apparently been holding in for a while now. I don't want Sun and Moon to panic, that's for sure. I care about them a lot...but who could've written that note? Was it Vanessa? She was the only one that I needed to persuade to keep Sun and Moon. Or was it Fazbear Entertainment? No...they wouldn't write to me about this. And they need the money that Sun and Moon gives them via merchandise.

But why would Vanessa write that note--

While I was in the middle of my thoughts, Moon walked into parts and service.

"Hey," He greeted me.

"Are you ready?" I questioned.

"Yeah, as ready as I'm going to be."

Moon slowly walked over to the parts and service bench and sat down.

"I'll be powering you off in"

I flipped the switch on Moon's neck that powered him off. I plugged him up into the computer next to me and went over to the device, seeing if he needed any updates. I clicked the "updates" tab, and he was completely up-to-date, which I kinda figured, since his body is completely brand new. But it doesn't hurt to check.

I then went over to the "viruses" tab, and just like the updates, there were zero. I smiled to myself as I unplugged Moon from the computer and went over to the back of his head. There were no notes (thankfully), and all of the wires seemed to be in the correct place.

After checking all of that, I went over to the cleaning supplies to polish him up. I scrubbed down his body, making it all shiny and new again, just like I did for Sun. Once I did all of that, I flicked the switch back on. There were a few beeping noises as Moon looked up, powering back on.

"How are you feeling?" I wondered. Moon was quiet for a few moments before speaking.

"I feel fine. Is there anything I should be concerned about?"

"Nope. No updates, no viruses, you're all good. Your wiring was in the right place, and you're now all cleaned and polished."

"Okay, that's good. Who should I bring out? Eclipse or Lunar?"

"Eclipse," I answered. Moon nodded and left the parts and service room, leaving me with my own thoughts once again. Eclipse I was concerned about...because he broke down a couple days ago. He might have a virus I'll have to wash his system out of. I've never really washed a system from viruses before, since Sun and Moon never had virus concerns. But this? He's a new animatronic and I'm afraid he has some form of virus that I'll have to take care of. I guess there's one way to find out...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 04 ⏰

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