loveless marraige

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Sadik's POV
I couldn't get this woman out of my mind.This was wrong,I am Muslim,it is extremely sinful.He is my son's future wife, this makes it worse.

It was the devil playing with my my mind,I was married for goodness sake.I couldn't think of her,I needed her out of my system and fast.

I was at home today,I called my wife on the phone.
Sadik:where are you?
Ruqi:am at the neighbors house.
Sadik:come home,am in the mood.
Ruqi:but I ..
Sadik: now!

(I disconnected.I needed to stop treating my wife as if she was a sex toy,but I couldn't help it.I didn't love her but I did respect her as a wife and my son's mom.)

My respect for her keeps dwindling, since all I do is have sex with her , nothing else.I needed to stop treating her like that.What have I done?

She came in not looking happy.
Sadik: I..(she tried to strip but I stopped her)
Ruqi:why did you stop me?do I repulse you?
Sadik: no.

Ruqi:then what?I know you don't love me, which I don't mind because I have my son.but you don't respect me.
Sadik: am sorry I, just wanted to forget my problems.
Ruqi:you can easily speak to me about your feelings,but no,you need ruqi for sex.

Sadik:look you are right, and am sorry for that , lemme make it up to you.why don't I take you for dinner, so that we can bond.
Ruqi: it's been 20 years,we barely bonded.neither of us have been happy in this marraige.I dont get why you never divorced me,I would have been with someone who loves me.

Sadik: really,is there someone?
Ruqi:he is long Married,so am stuck with you.You are not bad sadik,you have taken very good care of me and our son.I owe you that respect and will do as you wish.So please forgive me for being ungrateful.

Sadik: no, don't apologise,you have every right to demand respect.I will never ask of intimacy if you aren't comfortable.
Ruqi:thank you.but you never really made me uncomfortable,so don't hold back.come.

She ushered me to her,I smiled and came to her.This is the closest I have gotten with my wife yet, I still can stop thinking about this girl

Not any girl,my son's girl,my son's wife ,what am I going to do?ya Allah please help me.

Even after sharing the bed with my wife, it didn't help.She still lingered in my mind.just then I heard a laugh.

I walked in to see her, talking to the female relatives of our family.
When did she get here?
I has to be physical attraction,yet I fear there's more than that.Thats Even worse,I can't get emotionally attached to her.

She would soon marry my son.I was snapped out of my thoughts when she came to me.shoot.

Sadik:Salam.whats wrong dear?
Dija: your wife looks at me strange but Hasan explained everything to me,but I wanted to know why you keep staring at me?


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