Getting cosy with the daughter in law

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Dija's POV
Hasan and I came to our room.
Hasan: it's good that dad helped,but why did he stand so close to you.
Dija: don't know, maybe we are getting closer.
Hasan: maybe,I wish it was the same with my mom

Dija:it will take time,but am sure she will come around.I am lovable.
Hasan:very lovable.(he tickled me making me break into a fit of laughter)

The next day,I was climbing down the stairs when I slipped and injured my foot.Father quickly carried me to the couch.

I didn't care that he was holding me, I was in so much pain.Hasan and mother soon came in.

Hasan;are you okay?
Dija:yes,we can go to school now.
Sadik:no way,you are staying at home,you clearly can't walk (he said sternly.Too sternly)

Ruqi: leave her be,she was careless.If you ask me, it's just a plot to get her out of doing chores.
Sadik: enough! don't you dare say such things about her again! is that clear?
Ruqi:what has gotten into you?
Sadik: I said is that clear??!?

Ruqi:yes(we were all taken aback by his reaction. Why was he being so worried,he seemed more worried than my own husband.)
Sadik:go and get the first aid kit (he said now calming down as mother left)

Sadik:son you can go to work,I will be at home today,I will watch over her.
Hasan:no I will stay to take care of her.
Dija;no you should go,I will be alright.
Hasan:are you sure?
Dija:yes,go , father is here.
(I felt weird seeing that.Hasan soon left ,for some reason father disappeared after my foot was wrapped up)

It was as if he took the hint of being too overbearing.He did send the maids to me,to cook anything I wanted.I was in the hall watching a movie when father in-law came in with some books.

He went to sit on the other couch.some had become awkward between us and I didn't want that to happen.Then I saw the books he was holding.I loved those books .

Dija: father,umm can I have one of them,I Love there books.
Sadik: really?
Dija:yeah,they are my favorite.
Sadik:they are my favorite too.
(He handed me one and we started reading and getting lost in the books.)

We soon started talking about the books and debating on some topics.It felt so nice finding someone who loved the same books I did.
Sadik:dear,am sorry for how I shouted.
Dija:oh it's fine, I think you should talk to mother.

Sadik;I will.(he placed a hand on my shoulder.Too intimate but I chose not to mind)if you ever need anything,tell me.
Dija: I will.(he took his hands off,we went back to talking about the book and laughing.

Hasan's POV
I came to find my wife laughing and talking to my dad.I should be happy that my wife was getting along with my dad,but why did I find it weird?

INLOVE WITH MY DAUGHTER IN LAWWhere stories live. Discover now