Part 1

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Rookies first day

Lucy Chen nervously adjusted her police uniform as she stepped into the station. She was excited for her first day as a rookie, but very nervous. She knows the job can be dangerous and as much as she is prepared for it. She is worried that something may happen to her and then her daughter Tamara would be left behind. Alone. She's already without a father, but what if she was left without a mother? Without anyone? Deep in thought, she gets startled as Jackson, her best friend, approach her.

"Hey Lucy! Heard you have already made an arrest?" Jackson asked

"Yeah, wait i think roll call is starting"

"Where's John?"

"Oh i think i saw him go in what I think is the captains office, im honestly really not sure" Lucy said as she walked into the roll call room.


"After 6 months in the academy, you have earned your right to be here. But you will have to prove yourself to stay. The way we do things matters, protocol and tradition are the metal on what every cop in this city has forged. Do you understand?" Grey asks

"Yes sir" Nolan, Lucy and Jackson say, at the same time. Almost as if they had practiced!

"Okay, officer bradford, you get our hot shot Officer Chen."

Just hearing the name Bradford brought back so many memories. It couldn't be him. It's not possible. She tuned around and met his eyes. The resemblance was uncanny, there's no way. Tim Bradford is here. After 16 years.

it felt like time froze completely, flashbacks from the day he left flooded her brain. The day he promised to come back but didn't. Does he recognise me? She thought. no face movement. nothing at all. His eyes didn't widen, he didn't smile, nothing at all. Did he seriously forget me?

"Hey Lucy, you okay?" Nolan said, tapping her shoulder and bringing her back to the present.

"Yeah sorry, thought i saw a ghost.." She said, a little in shock.

"A ghost? What are you talking about?"

"Nolan pipe down!" Grey ordered.

How could he have forgotten me. He promised.

As soon as roll call ended, Lucy ran out of the room. She needed to breathe, just being in the same room as him made her feel as if she was suffocating. He left. He left. He left. Why is she acting like this, it's been 16 years. He's clearly moved on, why can't she?

"Lucy...?" She heard a quiet voice behind her say.

Tim. No. I can't speak to him right now.

"Yes Tim its me okay. I need a minute, just hold on before you say anything." she said a little panicked.

"You left.." confused she looked back up towards him. What does he mean that she left?

"No, you left. You went off to the military. You didn't come back when you said you would."

"I did. You weren't there. Nobody knew where you were. Genny wouldn't tell me anything! Your parents looked at me like I killed someone. They got a restraining order against me the second I asked about you."

Wait. He doesn't know... he doesn't know about Tamara...

Lucy looked around to see who was nearby. Hopefully no one noticed, she really doesn't want to have to explain this.

"They kicked me out..." She muttered quietly.

Lucy knew she would have to tell him the whole truth, but she wasn't ready. He didn't need to know about Tamara yet.

"Wait why?" He asked confused

"It's not important. I'll grab the war bags." She said, quickly changing the subject and running off.

Tim was startled. It had been 16 years, so much has changed but yet so little. He could recognise her from a mile away. She was still so beautiful. After he came back from the military, and found her gone he tried to move on. But he couldn't, he loved her so much. He loves her so much.

Officer Smitty walks past him, mumbling something to himself about work, which by the way he doesn't do much of. Right he's at work. Lucy is no longer his girlfriend, she's his rookie. What happened between them is in the past. Right? He tried to convince himself, as he made his way towards the shop. This is going to be a long day.


Guys thank you for reading, im going to upload the next part as soon as I can! Feel free to leave some suggestions in the comments.

Should Lucy tell Tim about Tamara?

Should I explore more into the past?

I wrote the first chapter like ages ago but then forgot about it and then remembered today and have decided to keep writing as I have a bit of spare time and this plot line seems pretty interesting and im excited to see where it goes.

16 years laterWhere stories live. Discover now