Part 2

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Lucy and Tim were mostly quiet in the shop. Lucy didn't know what to say, she knew she would have to tell him about Tamara but not right now. Tim noticed her occasionally glancing at him, he could tell she wanted to say something.

"You're thinking too loud, what's going on?"

"Nothing important to you..." Lucy says quietly

"I'm your TO, anything that distracts you on the job is my concern. I would rather not be shot."

Before Lucy could say anything, they were called to a domestic violence over the radio


Back at the station Tim left Lucy to fill out the report as he needed to talk to his best friend, Angela.

"Jeez you look like you killed a guy" She said as he walked over to him with a nervous look on his face

"Ang this is not a joking matter!"

"Omg what happened?!"

"Lucy uh Officer Chen she..." Before he could finish a kid came running into the station.

She looked around 15 or 16, and very familiar. He couldn't quite place it. Angela, very confusedly, turned around to see what he was looking at.

"Who is that?" She asked

"I'm not sure?"

The kid came up to them with a worried look on her face, clearly out of breath, "Hey have you seen my mum Lucy Chen???"

Tim stared at her in disbelief. His jaw literally dropped. Lucy has a daughter.

Before he could say anything Angela stepped in "She's just over there, I'll take you. What's your name?"

"Tamara.." She looks at Tim and notices him staring, "What's his problem?"

Tim snaps out of his daze. Lucy has a daughter. She didn't tell him, but why would she. She looks around 16? Right? He went to the military 16 years ago. FUCK.

"Sorry just confused, I'll show you to her." he says trying to process

Angela notices his stress and has a hunch on what's happening. She's noticed his tension today, something about him is definitely different. The second they met Officer Chen, something in him changed.

"How old are you?" She asks in a little joking matter? Tim looks over at her and he can tell she is suspicious.

"I'm 16 Miss!"

Tims eyes widen and he turns right around "stay here, I'll be right back with your mother."

He walks over to Lucy and she looks up and notices his confusion. She could read him like a book. He knows. Oh my god.

"Tim?" She says trying to act as calm as she can

"YOU HAVE A KID? SHES 16 LUCY!" He takes a deep breath, mentally preparing for what was happening. "LAST I REMEMBER, 16 YEARS AGO WE WERE TOGETHER."

"Tim..." She begins to say before being interrupted

"No lucy what's going on! Whose kid is it? Did you cheat on me?"


"Tim... I was going to tell you, I promise. I just didnt know how to, it's been so long."

"How come I never knew?"

"I asked Genny not to say anything..."

"How could you keep this from me, you know I wanted a kid. Here I was thinking I had lost my chance at ever having a family again."


"Luce, you were my family. It was so hard to leave but I had to, I was going to come back and make you mine forever."


Before Tim could say anymore he felt someone staring at him from behind. Lucy smiled, a genuine smile he hadn't seen for so long. It made him melt.

"Mum what's going on..." Tamara said

"Oh Timothy, you are in deep shit" Angelica chimed in, very amused. Which Tim was clearly not by the death stare he gave her.

"Tamara honey come here" Lucy said pulling the teenager towards her

"This is Tim, he was my boyfriend when I was your age. He's your dad."

A small smile creeped onto his face, he has a daughter. He has a daughter with Lucy!

"I know this is a lot, and very unexpected. And we aren't together any more of course..." Lucy adds

"You know technically we didnt break up." Tim interrupts to bring a little lightness to the situation. Which is only something he has ever done with Lucy. He wants her to be happy. He loves her cheery self.

"Tim it's been 16 years of no contact. I didn't even know where you were. Now is not the time."

"You're right, im sorry."


Okay thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry it took a while, im thinking of adding more chapters, not sure how to play it tho. I have a few ideas but im not quite sure how to connect them and make them fit together smoothly if that makes sense.

I know this story has moved very fast, a lot has happened very quickly already so I don't know if I should keep it fast paced or make it slower. Let me know what you think :)

I'm always open to suggestions

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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