The Bottle of Fortune.

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The week went quicker than I had expected, but I was quite busy for the whole while.

Sirius had started trying to make progress with Remus, with the help of Marlene, which for some reason also involved suddenly serenading me with questions and hypothetical situations.

This whole thing about trying to be close to him also helped Remus talk to Sirius about his opinion on regulus.

I too had been in close contact with Regulus for a while, trying my best to be in his good looks.

In my last effort, I wanted to atleast make sure that minimal people joined Voldemort, had I failed to stop his reign.

Right now, I was walking towards the potion classroom, which was my last class of the day.

Professor Slughorn had really been all up Riddle's business regarding the Dark Arts Club meetings, so I had a hunch he had been planning something for a while.

But the surprise was much different than I had expected.

"All right everyone settle down, quickly. We don't have much time to waste."

Professor Slughorn's voice boomed in the classroom. Students moved to their seats quickly and soon the class quietly waited for the lesson to start.

"Today, we will be having a very special class. Here, I have one of the hardest concoctions that even the most talented of potioneers could not perfect, on several occasions."

He put forward a small vial, with a golden liquid in it that shimmered when the light hit it.

I leaned forward on my desk, enthralled by the strange fluid.

"Would anyone like to guess what this is?"

Murmurs were heard going around but no one raised their hand to answer and professor asked again.

"Anyone? Think about it, it should not be so hard."

After a while, a few hands started popping up and Slughorn pointed at Flora Carrow.

"Miss Carrow?"

"It's Felix Felicis?" She guessed and he nodded, giving her an encouraging smile.

"That's correct. This potion that I have here, is in the simplest term, liquid luck."

A gasp was heard and whispers broke out in the once quiet room.

"Alright, silence! Now as I mentioned before, this potion is desperately tricky to make. Disastrous should you get it wrong. But when brewed correctly, as this has been, it has remarkable powers. One sip and you will find that all your endeavors succeed... at least until the effects wear off." He explained, all the gazes fixed on the small bottle of fortune.

A hand shot in the air and the professor nodded at the student.

"If it's so wonderful, than why do wizards not use it as often, in their daily endeavours?" The question was followed by another stream of aggressive whispering.

"Because, if taken in excess it can cause giddiness, recklessness and dangerous overconfidence, which might result in worse circumstances than they were initially facing."

Another student raised a hand and questioned, "Have you ever used it, sir?"

Slughorn smiled and nodded at the enthusiastically attentive crowd.

"Once. When I was twenty-
four. Two tablespoons taken at breakfast. A perfect day..." He eyed the vial dreamily, adrift. Finally he blinked and focused back to the class.

"So. This is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck... to the student who, in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death, the recipe for which can be found on page ten of your textbook."

Excited chatter filled the classroom and Slughorn smiled knowingly at the group.

"You should know that in all the years of my tenure at Hogwarts, not once did a student brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize, not even your classmates of Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. In any event, good luck."

The students moved from their seats to grab their cauldrons and the ingredients.

I moved over to the far left table in the corner of the classroom, closer to the windows which, although closed, would atleast provide some sort of comfort when the class would be burning up with the amount of cauldrons heating in the closed room.

I noticed the others spread out in the classroom as students opened their books to read through the steps.

Since the class was with Hufflepuff, the students of both houses were scattered much evenly, than grouped in one corner.

After making sure I had all the ingredients I'd need, I opened my textbook and stared at the steps, quickly reading them over before I started.

I took one last look around the class, at the students who had the probability to win.

Riddle was sitting in the other corner of the room, closer to the gates, accompanied by none other than McQueen, who seemed to be latching on him.

Severus was farther back in the classroom, already starting with the potion, while constantly scribbling and underlining his book.

I turned to my own potion and started the brewing process.

Hopefully, this intervention would bring something good.



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