Chapter 12

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Light streamed through the closed curtains when Ashton opened his eyes the next morning. Nicole wasn't still on the sofa with him, but the smell of bacon was wafting through the air around him, so he knew she was close by. He got up and walked into the kitchen. She was standing at the stove, stirring eggs while a few slices of bacon sizzled in a pan next to her.

He walked over and hopped up onto the counter next to the stove. "Good morning," he said.

She smiled at him. "Good morning, yourself. I figured the smell of bacon would get you up."

"Why were you trying to get me up?"

"Because it's after eight. Don't you need to be at work soon?"

He sighed. Woman had a point. "Yeah. Unfortunately." He drummed his fingers on his thighs for a moment. 'Officer' was a job he suddenly didn't want as much. After last night, he didn't want to go back, but he knew he had to. He watched Nicole cook for a minute. "I'll be right back."

His phone was still in his back pocket, and he took it out as he walked to the bathroom. Ten texts. All from Norman. He opened them as he opened the bathroom door and read them. Trisha was still out and that wasn't good. She was awake and couldn't remember anything that happened to her. She was asking to see Ashton. She'd be home in a couple of days. Norman wanted Ashton to get his uniform so he can be dressed properly for Day 1. A set of instructions took the next four texts. The final text said Norman would be home later that day to pick up some stuff but then he was going back. He'd stop by the station to see how Ashton was doing.

Ashton walked out of the bathroom, already feeling worn out for the day. He walked into the kitchen and sat at the table, leaning forward and putting his head on the top. A thud near his head made him look up. Nicole was looking at him, concerned, as she put her plate down and sat. He straightened up and pulled the plate that had been next to his head closer. "Thank you." He picked up the fork and took a bite. "It's good." He took another bite and realized she hadn't touched hers yet. "What?"

She sighed and propped her chin up on her palm. "I'm just worried about you, that's all. Last night was a bad night, and while Norman's gone, you're taking over." Her face became troubled. "And then, when they see my report-" Her words were choked off by a hand pressing to her mouth and tears on her face.

He hurried around the table and got down on one knee by her. She turned and pressed her face into his shoulder. He let her cry while he stroked her hair. How could he have forgotten her report? She was right – when they saw that report, he was going to be suspended. At least, when Norman saw it. But the one way he thought he wouldn't incriminate himself was to show it to Norman when he came in instead of waiting until he found it.

She pushed him away and wiped her face. "You need to go finish breakfast," she said.

He didn't get up. "Nicole, I wish I could go back and change things, but I can't. If I could have saved Lizzie or found her killer, I would have. I wish you didn't have to be the one to find her." He felt tears gathering as he thought the words he didn't dare say: I wish you didn't suspect me.

She nodded. "I know, Ash. I wish the same thing." She picked up a slice of bacon and bit it, ending the conversation.

He sighed as he stood. "How did you know Norman was gone?"

"I saw him following the ambulance."

He sat and stared at his food. "Oh. Trisha was beaten. She was in that ambulance." His heart sank as he spoke. Everything that happened was catching up to him. He rubbed his face. His hands dropped and he forced a bite. While he chewed he noticed Nicole staring at him. He sat his fork down and stared at it when he recognized the look in her eyes: suspicion. His face felt hot. "I should go," he said quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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