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Linh and I wait at our friend group's designated lunch table–one close to the library–and wait for the rest of the girls to join us.

"How far did you get for History?" Linh asks from across the table.

While I try to recall, I look down at the fork in my hand as I toy with the macaroni and cheese on my plate. "Just a few chapters," I reply. "Why?"

She lets out a deep sigh. "My parents had me close the bakery last night so I didn't get a chance to do all my homework."

Linh's family owns a bakery, and I may be biased since she's my best friend, but they sell the best desserts in Seattle–in all of America even.

Her dad was the one who started it all. He was just a teenager when he met Linh's mom and they opened the bakery together. Forty years later and it's now a successful running business.

However, success comes with busier days, which means Linh ends up getting large, unwanted workloads. I like her dad, but she doesn't even want to work at the bakery, let alone take over in a few years.

"Remind me after school and I'll give my notebook to you," I tell her without even thinking twice.

"Thank you," she says before taking a sip from her carton of chocolate milk.

I spot my brother across the cafeteria, but ignore the wave he's giving me. No need to give him the idea that I want him over here right now.

Not that I dislike my brother, I just prefer keeping my social and my family life separate.

Raina and Layla make a beeline towards our table. Raina sits beside me, throwing her butterfly locs over her shoulder, and Layla sits next to Linh.

"Where's Kiara?" I ask since all three of them just had a class together.

Layla shrugs. "I dunno. She just kind of disappeared."

"Yeah, I think she mentioned something about a dentist appointment though," Raina adds.

A shudder runs through me. My condolences.

"Okay, well, I'll just tell her this after school," I say. "But I'm thinking–only if you guys want–maybe we can have a sleepover at my house?"

All three of them get this bright look on their faces as if I just announced that they won the lottery.

"Of course," Linh says.

"Depends," Raina says sarcastically, "Will your hot brother be there?"

I flash her a weird look. Ew.

"I've never seen him before," Layla joins in. "What does he look like?"

"Picture this." Raina holds her hands up. "Vinnie Hacker."

"Isn't he blonde?" Layla asks.

Raina nods. "So is Lucas."

"Speaking of," Linh says quietly.

Speaking of?

I turn behind me to see what she's looking at. And there he is.

Lucas with all his baseball friends around him like they're a school of fish personally polluting the ocean.

I turn back around, covering the side of my face with my hand. "Everyone. Act invisible," I quietly bite out the words.

Raina smiles, light bouncing off her perfect teeth. "Hey L–"

I kick her ankle under the table. "Invisible."

She cocks an eyebrow right as I hear my brother's voice. "Indi," he says.

I remain frozen, facing away from him. Invisible, I mouth to Raina. My gaze darts to Layla who's giving my brother a wide smile. I know that look in her eyes.


"Come on," Lucas says impatiently and manages to kick my foot under the table. "It's Dad."

I feel the alarm in my eyes as I finally look over and up at him. "What's wrong?"

"He texted you. Needs a response about labor day vacation."

I roll my eyes. Of course he would make it sound so serious. I almost started picturing our father being wheeled into an ambulance.

"Labor day vacation?" Raina whispers.

"Yeah," I say to Lucas. "What vacation?"

"Mariners are playing the Braves that weekend and they're offering Dad free box tickets, but he needs an answer soon."

I nod. "Just tell him I say yes."

"Text him yourself." Lucas doesn't wait before walking away.

He truly pisses me off sometimes.

I turn back to my friends, but they're all beaming. "If any of you make a comment about my brother's appearance, I'll jump off the school building."

"Not him!" Layla exclaims, ignoring the latter part of my statement.

Raina bumps my shoulder with hers. "Ezra was with them."

I narrow my eyes at all three of them–including Linh. "And?"

"He was looking at you," she says in a sing-songy tone.

"Well, it was me that was talking."

"Even when Lucas was talking."

"And even when Raina joined in," Linh adds.

I let out a deep sigh. They're really never going to let this go, huh?

"Whatever," I dismiss. "About that sleepover..."

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