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I'm currently driving my dad's Buick with Linh in the passenger and the rest of my friends in the back. We're all in our pajamas, driving back to Layla's house with our gas station treats.

The music coming from the car's speakers gets cut off when my phone starts ringing with a call.

I glance down and see Lucas's contact information. He's currently at the homecoming dance, which means that if he's calling me, of all people, something's wrong.

"Sorry guys," I say. "I should probably answer this."

Since my phone is connected to bluetooth, my brother's voice is audible through the speakers once I answer the call. "Indi, remember all those times I was the best brother in the whole entire world and you loved me very much?"

I let out a deep sigh. That is obvious code for I need a favor.

"What's wrong, Lucas?"

Music is softly playing in the background, and I hear him talking with someone else. "No, you tell her. You– fine."

A second later, someone else's voice comes through the line. "Indigo," Ezra says. I'm not sure why he had to call me from Lucas's phone, but I don't ask. "Remember that one time I–"

"Cut to the chase, please," I cut him off. "I'm with my friends."

"Oh," he sounds considerably disappointed. "Right, um, just forget it then."

"What do you need?" Impatience fills my tone.

His sigh is so loud, it sounds like he blew his breath right over the microphone. "This is really embarassing so don't tell anyone, but–"

"You're on speaker," I cut him off again. "Just tell me what you need and I'm there."

"I need you to come pick me up."

I don't bother asking if my dad can do it because tonight is Dad's first night playing baseball in years. Not professionally, but for recreational purposes. I can tell how excited he's been and I do not need to interrupt that game.

Thankfully, we're stopped at a traffic light which gives me leeway to close my eyes in exasperation. "Isn't the school like a mile away from the house? You can walk that, right?" His silence speaks volumes. I let out another sigh before saying, "You're not at the school." Less of a question, more of a confirmation.

"I am so sorry. Charlotte's throwing her own party–"

"Hold on." I glance around at all my friends who don't look as frustrated as I thought they would. "You guys okay if I go pick him up? I'll come back." The second surprise is when they all nod. I raise my voice for Ezra to hear again. "Send me the address. I'll head over in like five minutes."


I'm standing outside a luxurious mansion with my back leaned against the Buick.

Despite having a dad who is completely loaded–and I mean stacked to the brim with money that could last generations–I haven't seen many mansions in my life. All I can do is stare at the architecture in awe.

I've already shot Ezra a text saying, I'm here. I'm waiting outside the car just so he can find me better.

It only takes a minute or two before I see Lucas walking Ezra out of the house. Lucas's steps are much lazier than his friend's, but I'm more focused on the slouch in Ezra's shoulders.

When they get to me, I see the lazy grin on my brother's face. Not only that, but I smell the stench that surrounds him.

"Are you drunk?" I bite out the words. "Dad would absolutely–"

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