Not certain

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Jason sat next to Danny on the couch. He had been worried for nothing after all. Of course Danny was smarter than that, why he thought Danny would be swayed was beyond him.

Danny fell asleep leaning against Jason.

It was like when your pet is sleeping on you, you don't move. That's the rule.

Danny was cute enough to be compared to a puppy.

Danny's shifted in his sleep making Jason freeze.

Danny woke up to find himself sprawled on top of Jason who was sleeping on his back. Danny was curled up so his head rested on Jason's stomach.

Danny scrambled off of Jason and sat on the floor. He wasn't sure why he had been on top of Jason, but he knew Jason would tease him to no end of he woke up and found him like that.

Danny sighed as he made his way over to the small kitchen.

'The least I could do is prepare breakfast after Imposing on Jason-  WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING! I WAS PRACTICALLY KIDNAPPED!!' Danny thought furiously as he pulled out a carton of eggs.

Not even ten minutes later Jason's eyes snapped awake, his danger senses were tingling.

Jason sat up and the first thing he noticed was the smell of smoke wafting through the air.

The next thing he noticed was Danny who appeared to be fanning the flames on the stove.

"Danny! Stop!" Jason cried out running over to his stove.

Danny turned startled.

"What do I do?" his voice was shaky and he looked ready to cry.

Jason turned of the stove and extinguished the fire.

"Well for starters, your banished from the kitchen." Jason said sighing.

Jason took another glance and the charcoal looking mess in his pan.

"If you were hungry I could've made you something"

"I didn't want to bother you. I'm already practically living here, the least I could do was help out"

Danny flinched as Jason hugged him.
Why...was Jason hugging him?

Danny suddenly got an idea.

He grabbed his last check out of his coat and handed it to Jason.

"Here, this should cover the cost of the damages. I'm really sorry Jason. I hope you don't hate me now"

Jason laughed, "you think your the first kitchen disaster I've ever met. Clearly you need to spend more time around my brothers"

" your not mad?"

"Not even a little bit"

Danny felt like a weight had been taken off his chest and he could finally breathe again.

"Im glad"

"Actually-" Jason said feeling a little tense, "if anyone should be mad. It's you"

Danny felt surprised, he tried to remember why he would be mad. Then he got a flashback of the moment in his car when he yelled at Jason and ran away.

He face grew beet red, how embarrassing.

"T-that, it's fine. I made a big deal out of something that was nothing and now I feel really bad about it" Danny said trying to wipe away at his red face.

"It's fine, but you still can't go back to your apartment"

Danny groaned, "you are way too over protective"

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