Amity Park, Magic Medicine

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The jet was surprisingly efficient. The landed on a private airfield and found a taxi into the town.

"So where exactly are we going?"

"Danny's childhood home"

Jason raised an eyebrow, "we getting his parents?"

Sam crisply should her head no.

"They don't know about Danny's condition, and it'll stay that way if I can help it"

Sam made the cab let them out a street before the house.

"I've got to make sure they aren't here" Sam said as she stealthily slunk around the house, peaking in the windows.

Jason admired the strange architecture of the house. What were these people? Supervillains? Mad scientists?

The Fenton Assault Vehicle was nowhere in sight. Always a good sign.

Sam forced a window open from the outside.

"Breaking in, nice." Jason commented.

She rolled her eyes and climbed through the window. Jason followed her despite his remark.

Sam noticed that the house hadn't changed much at all.

She made her way to Danny's old room.

Jason smirked at the mess. Typical teenage mess.

Sam pulled out a math textbook and flipped a few pages. A worn looking paper fell out. She dropped the book and grabbed the paper.

"This is going to be our map" Sam said handing it to him.

Jason unfolded it and scrunched his face in confusion. It didn't look like any map he had seen before.

Sam almost felt nostalgic, her nostalgia turned to anxiety as she reached the lab door.

"What is it?" Jason asked.

Sam opened the door, "this is where Danny had the accident" she said as she took carefully steps down the stairs.

Jason's eyes took a calculating sweep over the inventory of this lab. Almost every surface was taken up in space by some weird looking gun or belt or fishing rod?

Sam walked over to a large medal door.

"What's that?"

Sams expression seemed tense.

"It's, the ghost zone. Officially called the infinite realms"

She pressed a button and the mechanical doors opened up to reveal a bright swirling green vertical pit.

"We have to go in there"

Jason felt a cold sweat taking over.

"You sure this is safe?" Jason asked keeping a careful distance away from it.

"I've been in there before and I'm still alive. The portal itself is harmless. What it contains is not."

Sam smacked a large mechanical space rocket looking thing.

"Get in"

Jason wanted to dismantle the crazy portal and bomb this house but Danny needed help, so he got in.

The machine started up and lifted off the ground. Sam shifted a stick and it went forward.

Jason looked out the window in morbid curiosity.

All around were floating doors.

"What are those?"

"Doors to other dimensions, times zones, they could be spacial anomalies or fields of flowers." Sam responded keeping her eyes on the path ahead of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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