Chapter Eighteen: She A Baddie She Know She A Ten

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Y/n woke up from the nightmare which was more of a memory than anything.

She raised her head and realized she was still in Home-Sweet-Home, one of the living rooms to be exact.

The place still smelled of old books and the building was colder than Y/n remembered it being, although that was years ago so maybe it was that cold, doesn't matter now.

They were just glad they had their MCR hoodie on.

She walked forward and opened large double doors that led to the main part of Home-Sweet-Home, three cardboard cutouts were spread around, Mommy-long-legs, Daddy-Long-Legs, and Baby-Long-Legs.

The whole family!

Around the room there were some once colorful building blocks, all in different shapes and sizes and they had different letters.

Y/n grabbed some of the blocks and spelled out "fuck you CatNap" with them, feeling proud of her work she went onwards.

In the middle of the room there was a huge hole with the red smoke spread out, going in there would be a death sentence.

Y/n looked around and found a colorful gas mask in the bridge between the basement and first floor, Y/n keeled down and grabbed the mask, slipping it on before jumping down the hole, the Grabpack 2.0 stopping the harsh fall.

A large toy car was on the floor, a trigger on the back was showing, Y/n pulling it all the way sent it flying forward, the toy car clearing debris off of a purple hand mark.

Using it sent Y/n back up the first floor, landing themselves in the old laundry room, ten washers and ten dryers were lined up, baskets filled with sheets.

Y/n walked out of the room, carefully opening a door that led into a long hallway, some boxes covering up an area, Y/n unable to pass.

CatNap was on the other side of it, taking a stroll around Home-Sweet-Home, something or someone was holding onto his tail.

Getting a better look it was a little kid, following the monster around while holding the creatures slim tail.

Y/n froze, watching as this child was just casually walking with the creature that wants Y/n dead.

If there's a random child that means there has to be more that CatNap has been taking care of... maybe.

Ollie exists and he sounds really young...

Y/n walked back into the laundry room and closed the door, typing in a bunch of numbers that they saw on a poster in said room, hoping it'll work...

"Y/n! Good to hear from you!" Ollie spoke on the other line. "I'm glad you found the number! Lilly snuck around the factory and wrote the numbers on some of the posters."

"There's more of you?" She asked. "Yep! We're the rebellion! We're the kids that survived the Hour Of Joy, Charlie is our leader." He announced.

"Okay... do you know who that little kid was? The one following CatNap?"

"Huh? There's a kid following CatNap? What'd they look like?"

"I couldn't get a good look so I don't know."

"Dang, we'll figure it out later, just get the power back on and I'll call you later." He hung up, Y/n attaching the colorful phone to her pants, making sure it won't fall off.

Her brain went on auto pilot, it happened so fast, in the end Y/n didn't even know what she did until they were at the front door to Home-Sweet-Home.

Y/n sighed and opened the one of the doors, closing it behind them and look into the distance, on the verge of tears.

Y/n walked down the steps, looking to the sky, dreaming of home and warm food, the comfort of their b-

Something pushed Y/n to the ground, the culprit being Kissy Missy, holding Y/n down, the teen realizing this was the end as tears streamed down her face but she didn't make a sound.

They didn't die to Huggy.

They didn't die to Mommy.

They haven't even fought CatNap.

And the toy to kill the teen was Kissy.

"No, no! Let go! They didn't do anything wrong! They're actually here to help." Poppy came to the rescue, Kissy getting off of the teen, luckily not killing them. "This place makes her tense... I'm glad that Ollie could help you get this far. He's the reason we found you at all." Poppy stood on the teen before getting off, Kissy picking up the doll.

"Looks like the train crash hurt us both... You've been through so much... you deserve an explanation, c'mon."

Kissy had Poppy on her shoulder, the toy walking toward an electrical box, Poppy then standing on Kissy's hand, opening the box and flipping a switch, an elevator coming down.

"Hey, you'll be okay. We'll be okay." Poppy said comforting the tense and scared Kissy, a somber yet sweet sight.

The three of them on the raising elevator before Poppy spoke up again.

"Listen, I'm not your enemy, but I can't just let you leave! What's happening down here is bigger than all of us! I need you, so we can get revenge on those monsters who've tortured you; who've tortured us!" The elevator reached the second floor and Y/n got off, Kissy sitting down and wrapped her arms around her body, trying to comfort herself.

"They didn't act alone, they're disciples of the original: the Prototype. Do the honors?" She said pointing at a large red button.

Clicking it turned on the back up generators, the dark Playcare now lighting up, the audio of birds chirping played once more, giving Y/n a relaxing sensation.

"The Prototype knows we're coming by now. You try to escape, he'll kill you before you ever reach that front door. He's the reason I was trapped in that god awful case for so long. You have no idea the things he's done... Let me let you kill him. Let me help you save everyone. We've all seen you, how capable you are. You killed Huggy, you killed Mommy, you freed me... you are perfect for this." She spoke up before Y/n asked the doll some questions.

"Poppy... I'm not supposed to be here... I wanna go home now... that letter I got was for my dad... he worked here... this should be him." She sniffed, not wanting to cry in front of them.

"Why is this happening? Why are these things alive?" Y/n asked. "You're questions will be answered... you just need to be patient." She smiled as the elevator went back down.

"CatNap is coming, he's the final obstacle the Prototype has placed against us. We can't stay here, keep yourself safe! Ollie will call you." She said when they reached the bottom, Y/n got off.

"Be safe you two." Y/n said, waving at them before Ollie called again.

"Hey, hey... It's me again. It seems like Poppy explained everything now. And she turned on the Dome's backup power! Now the plan from here is pretty simple-we need to restore power to the gas production zone. First, go back to the Home Sweet Home building you were just in. You should be able to find a big power cord somewhere around the porch. Grab it and plug it underneath the statue."

Y/n sighed looking at Home-Sweet-Home, preparing for her next mission.


Ngl child me would've had a massive crush on DogDay.

Sorry this one is rushed, I have things to do and my head hurts.

Poppy Playtime x Reader (rewritten version) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant