Chapter Twenty-Two: Tyler's Mission

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Just an update for Tyler.

Tyler sat silently beside Charlie, who was scribbling down different routes to reach Y/n and Michael. The quiet in the room seemed to amplify the loud buzzing sound emanating from the pipes.

Charlie let out a deep sigh as her companion questioned their strategy. "Why can't we just rush in?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of frustration. She turned to him with a serious expression and replied, "We can't risk it. CatNap is a big threat, and we need to be careful if we want to win in saving Y/n and Micheal." Her words carried a sense of urgency, and it was clear that she was not willing to take any unnecessary chances.

As Tyler stood there, she let out a deep sigh and flashed a smile at him. "Why don't you lend Emmie a hand with gardening? Even if she doesn't admit it, I'm sure she could use some extra help," she suggested. Tyler let out a long sigh, acknowledging the suggestion. "Alright, I'll do it," he replied. "Great!" she exclaimed, "The garden is just down the hall. You can find it easily." With that, she went back to her work, contemplating her next move.

As he stepped out of the room, he found himself in a bustling hallway. A handful of orphans were scattered around, with one of them distributing lists to a couple of others. Another was busy putting up a "wanted" poster for a missing toy, while yet another was engrossed in decorating the area for the impending arrival of Y/n, Tyler, Micheal, Poppy, and Kissy. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement, and he couldn't help but feel drawn into the energy of the place.

Even though this place had a dark history everyone seemed so happy and nice, excited about the new arrivals of new humans.

Walking into the garden was lovely, the scent of mint filled his nose, the lovely scent making him feel relaxed.

"Eh? Who are you?" A little girl with blond hair and brown eyes came up to him, hands and knees covered in dirt.

"Oh, I'm Tyler, Charlie said you needed some help gardening."

"Hmph! I don't need help, I've got all of this." She said, Tyler rubbing the back of his neck. "You seem a little too young to be doing this by yourself."

"And you're a little too old to be talking to me."

"Okay... how old are you? Charlie shouldn't be putting someone as young as you in charge of the food."

"I am eight years old and Charlie knows what she's doing."

"Uhh... too young to be doing this."

After being called out by Tyler, the girl retorted with sass, "Mind your damn business, Tyler." Taken aback, Tyler responded with a hint of surprise, "Charlie told you my name?" The girl rolled her eyes and replied, "We all know your name, well, except for the babies and toddlers."

"There are babies here?"

"Yep, people here started families... mainly by accident but it became normal."

"Anyways, I'm supposed to help you garden stuff."

"Ugh, fine," she said leading him to a gardening shed, grabbing some gloves for him. "Do you know how to do this?" she asked him, Tyler shaking his head.

"Damnit... he won't be happy with this slowness," Emmie mumbled as a little girl came rushing in, the same little girl that was putting up those wanted posters.

"Emmie? Have you seen Kitty?" the little girl asked Emmie who shook her head. "Sorry, Lil, no one has seen him," Emmie replied pulling back her shiny chocolate hair, borderline greasy.

"Aww man... I hope Charlie didn't take him..." she mumbled.

"You know what, Lil? Tyler here will gladly help you find him!" Emmie said pushing Tyler out of the garden, Lil following close behind him.

"Have fun!"

Emmie closed the doors, Tyler stared in shock, and Lil just looked up at him. "She gets like this when it comes to her garden... well it's not fully hers but she takes care of it the most because she doesn't like too many people here," Lil told him, looking up at him with those big brown eyes, her dirty blond hair tied in two.

"O-okay," was all he managed to get out as she grabbed his hand and dragged him around. "My name is Lilly or just Lil." she smiled.

"Ah, nice to meet you I'm-"

"Tyler, everyone knows who you are, Charlie told us."

"Is Charlie the only one who runs things? There has to be a lot of you, how can she manage that on her own?" he asked her as the little girl's eyes went wide with hope.

"I should've thought of that sooner! Come on Tyler!" she yelled snatching his hand and running down the hallway with him, heading to the labs through a secret entrance.

Inside there was a small light, and the rest of the room was covered in darkness before Lil spoke up.
"Excuse me! Mr. Prototype? Do you have Kitty?"

A few seconds later a metal claw came out from the darkness, holding a CatNap plush that had a bandage on his little arm. "You fixed him! Thank you!" she said bowing as the metal claw disappeared into the darkness.

"W-what was that?"

"That was our leader! Charlie is his voice, she tells us the commands he puts out." she smiled before looking back at the boy.

"Isn't he wonderful?"


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