Chapter 1. A pleasant surprise

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   You've had a pretty heavy day at work today. Boss yelling at everyone for not doing their jobs properly, not getting along with rude coworkers, and customers being difficult. It had been like this for a while, but usually it wasn't this bad. You felt as though you could just quit right then and there. Obviously you couldn't, that job was surprisingly paying very good for a single person like yourself. So there was no way you would ever give it away, even if it was a living Hell.

   This day in particular was raining cats and dogs. Out of all the days you forget your umbrella, it had to be this one. Rushing back home, you stomp on multiple rain puddles, getting your work shoes wet. The rain seemed to have gotten heavier by the minute. At this point you were soaking to the core. All your work uniform sticking to your body, and your hair flat as ever. The rain continued as you ran past the empty streets. It was common sense for anyone to know not to go out during this weather.

   You couldn't make it. Quickly, you find the nearest alley to rest under. Coming to a stop, you catch your breath as you look out to see the rain pouring down. You sigh as you realize you're going to be here a while. As you walk further into the ally your shoes hit a box. Confused, you look down. The box was big and cardboard. It had the lettering of somewhat a child. It spelt "Smiling Critters". You kick the box gently again, noticing it isn't budging for a seemingly empty looking box.


   You thought to yourself.

What the hell is in this?

   With an another brief kick to the box, this time more firmly, you hear scatter. This freaked you out a bit. Anything could be inside this box. Most likely small critters. You crouch down to the mysterious box, your hands gently outlining the tape sealing the box together. The top of the box had holes as if there had to breathe. Once again, the you hear scattering in the box, even whispering?....This really caught your interest. Or so, caught your attention. What if there were children inside? Multiple horrid questions popped up in your head as you started digging in your bag to take out a pocket knife. You always made sure to carry some sort of protection due to being a single woman.

   You hastily pull out the pocket knife and move the nub to allow a little bit of the razor to shine. Moving back to the box, you make sure to cleanly slice the tape all the way through. Suddenly, a burst of plush like critters jump out. This startled you, making you fall back in surprise, dropping the pocket knife. You look at the colorful critters as they help each other out of the box. They appeared to be dirty and some even torn up.

There appears to be 8 of them, each having a unique color. There was a bear, an elephant, a unicorn, a dog, a rabbit, a chicken, a pig, and a cat. The most eye catching was the dog, who appeared to be worrying about all of his little pals. Going up to each and every one of them asking if they were okay. The dog seemed to not notice you sitting there looking shocked as the other critters stared at you in fear. That was until he finally turned around to see what his friends were gawking about. He huddles them behind him as he puffs out his plushy chest to look more defensive. You could tell he was terrified by the look of his poor, tired eyes.

You take notice and gently begin to pick yourself up. Sticking one hand out to reassure them you didn't have anything to harm them. They slowly look up as you prop yourself on your knees, inching closer to them.


You call out to them softly, not using any form of aggression in your voice. Your heart ached as some had tears in their eyes as they looked at you terrified. The yellow and orange dog walked back along with this plush arms pushing his friends back, away from you.

"No....please. I won't hurt you."

You call out again, voice soft as ever.

"I promise."

The looks on their faces still looked scared, but hearing your voice made them ease a bit. You reach out a hand towards the dog, offering it. He flinches slightly, shutting his eyes as he braced for impact. Your heart breaks seeing this poor dog whimper in fear, along with his other pals. Instead, however, a harsh impact, he was greeted with a gentle hand gently caressing his furry cheek. His eyes open as he sees you with a soft, gentle expression on your face. His heart race slows down slightly as he slowly melted into the feeling. The other critters looked at him and you surprised. They looked at each other as you stared at the them with such affection. Your other hand reaches to pet the red bear. They flinch slightly as they look at your hand worried.

"It's okay..."

You whisper to them. The bear looks at you as they slowly lean into your hand. You rub their head as they smile softly. The other critters seemed to get the memo of you, no easing their bodies.

"What are you?"

You say softly as you retreat your hands. The critters look at you and ponder what to say. Until the dog speaks out.

"We're the Smiling Critters!"

He says trying to sound optimistic, but you could clearly tell it was forced.

"Smiling Critters? What an odd bunch."

You say as you look at each and every one of them carefully. Some got nervous from your gaze, others got excited. The dog speaks up again.

"Please, Miss! Take us with you! We have no where to go!"

He pleads desperately, his voice cracking slightly. You frown seeing him in distress. He clearly wanted to protect him and his family. You think for a moment. Could you really take in 8 of them? It was like taking in stray children off the street. You look back at them and sigh. Their faces pleading for your approval.

"Please, Miss..."

The dog pleaded again, his voice higher pitched. You groan to yourself. You wouldn't leave such defenseless creatures to fend for themselves, would you? You mentally curse yourself as you grab the box they came from.

"Alright then. Climb back in here so I can take you home."

You say as you motion the box to them. They each smile in relief or happiness as they cheer. As they were about to get back in, they soon realized they were too short of actually climb back in. You notice this and chuckle slightly as you place the box down and begin to pick them up. You grab the dog first and put him inside the box. His tail wagged slightly as you picked him up. You so the same with all the others. Once they were inside you stand back up, caring the box with you. You almost lost your balance as you stood. By themselves they weren't heavy, but all of them at once was sure a workout. You begin to walk back out the ally and notice the rain had stopped. I sigh in relief as you begin to walk back to your apartment.

The whole way back you think to yourself, was this really worth it? Would taking in these little critters bring joy into your life? You figured this would be a new starting point in your life as you finally made it to the front door of your apartment. Digging for the keys in your bag, you hear soft muttering coming from the box. Your arms were getting tired as you finally found the key. You open your door in a rush as you finally plop down the box on the coffee table. You sigh as you shut the door with your leg. You walk back to the box and open it again, the little critters looking up at you with happy eyes and smiles. You smile softly to seeing their plushy faces. This was going to be one Hell of a ride.

Yerrr—did this while I'm dying at the moment. If this gets attention and feedback I'll continue. Even if it doesn't I'll still do it lol. I love these little guys. They are so cute I just want to take them in as mine.

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