XXI. Party in Picadilly

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Two days later, and without a word from the palace or anyone living there, alive or otherwise, Florence started to simmer down. A little.

Or a little less than little.

"No words from the palace?" she asked Gabrielle that morning as they traveled to Artemis.


Her jaw twitched. She glared at the passing shops outside the window. "Everything we shop shall eventually be placed on His Majesty's accounts, yes?"


Her head snapped to Lucy and she let out a tight smile. "I need new dresses."

Lucy exchange a look with Gabrielle. "You said so yourself that Coulway's fashion sense doesn't appeal to you."

"I'll have the modiste fashion something to my taste." She fixed her hat. "I also need new bonnets. This one doesn't sit well on my head."

"It's perfect."

"And gloves and shoes. A dozen stockings, too."

Lucy let out an awkward laugh. To Gabrielle, her cousin explained in a whisper, "It's just her talking."

But Lucy was wrong. After their fencing lesson with Ellise Dior, they went straight to Coulway's most expensive modiste, where she ordered a dozen custom ball gowns and dresses to be made with the most expensive fabrics she found. They also filled the carriage with boxes of hats, gloves, stockings and shoes.

But she didn't feel better after their trip. She actually felt worse. Did she just spend an extravagant of money from people's taxes?

She was silently thinking how many of the items she could return when they arrived at the villa, only to make a sudden stop after walking through the doors. The hall was brimming with dozens of flowers.

"What are these?" she asked the housekeeper, who came rushing with excitement.

"This came with it, Your Highness," the woman said, grinning from ear to ear.

She stared down at the note.

One day, I hope to see you with flower crown and kisses from a dream.

-Daniel Stanton

Florence pursed her lips to stop herself from smiling as Lucy snatched the note from her hand and squealed as she read. "Flo, aren't you going to—"

"I'm tired," she said, walking past the flowers. "We should rest for the party later."


"Are you not being a bit too petty?" Lucy asked later during the party in Artemis. They were sitting in one corner in the hall, quite bored with the same party.

"About what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. He's been gone too long and is probably very busy as we speak. You should be patient."

"And him? He was not so patient to meet with—" she stopped, looked around, and hissed "—Tatiana Temple, was he?"

Lucy chuckled. "I know what this is about. You're jealous!"

She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes.

"Do you truly think he'll meet with her? I heard he doesn't go back to past lovers."

"She is the Tatiana Temple," she wryly said.

Lucy leaned closer and whispered, "And you are the betrothed. You'll be his queen."

"I walked into the gaming room earlier and my eyes immediately fell on her because she lit up that room with just her mere presence. Only a fool would forget a woman like her."

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