XXV. Bound

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"After the emperor heard about the Belcourt Conflict, he made a decision to null your betrothal with my sister. I assume you have not received his letter?"

He shook his head. He couldn't feel anything at this point. Well, there was one thing, and it was sitting heavily in his breast pocket—The ring he intended to slip through Florence's finger, the one he told her about last night as she fell asleep. And the one he wanted to give her so she'd know who she belonged to. The one he planned to present to her after he had asked her brother for her hand.

Feeling like a fool, he managed to answer, "We were at the brink of a civil war. My mother controlled all communication in and out of the palace."

Prince Steffan nodded. "What happened during the Belcourt Conflict was unfortunate, but you must understand why my father decided to end the betrothal. With all the unrest in Sutherland's royal family, we couldn't very well let one of our own join the fray."

Emory's jaw tightened, but he understood.

Steffan let out a sigh. "When my sister found out that she will no longer be marrying the Crown Prince of Sutherland, and that our father had decided to marry her off to a Gavarian lord, she didn't take it well." The man's face softened a little. "I love my sisters, and Florence is the hardest to manage. She's always up to something. But it still surprised me when she escaped the palace and ran away."

His brow arched. "Manage?" he asked in an even, cold voice. "Women, like men, can think for themselves. You don't manage them."

"Then how do you wish us to manage them? Like the men in your kingdom? Secret mistresses and lovers, bastards left and right? We don't have those in Gavaria."

"Apparently, including freedom for your women. Your sister should be given the choice of whom to marry, as much as your men take liberties with the number of wives they can have."

"Women belong with men and as men, we have to make certain we put them exactly where they can have security and protection."

"Don't dress control with claims of security and protection because women can destroy a kingdom if they set their mind to it. Trust me, I learned firsthand."

Steffan shook his head. "I can only imagine the mess you had to deal with after what your mother and sister did. And look at the mess I have to deal with now simply because my sister took liberties. It's frightening to think about what they can do if we give them more power."

Emory chose to stay silent because he wanted this meeting to be over once and for all. He needed to be alone. He had to think.

"Gavaria and Sutherland are different in many ways, but we should both agree that as rulers, we do things that will ensure the future of the nation. Florence's marriage to Lord Lennox will ensure our empire's peace and prosperity." Steffan continued, standing straight. "I'm sorry the notification did not reach you. Let me personally offer our sincerest apologies. In place of my father, the Emperor of Gavaria, I'm officially declaring that you are free of the betrothal. Moreover, I'm here to deliver the news that my father is on his way here."

"Whatever for?" he asked.

"We know my sister had committed a grave act, and with that, the emperor would also like to extend his apology in person and to assure you that Gavaria shall remain Sutherland's friend."

He frowned. "I have no intentions of punishing the Grand Princess."

"My father is mere weeks away behind us. He would be very glad as well."

He didn't have to welcome the emperor. Not after what had just happened, but maybe the man's arrival would serve Sutherland best. They had much to discuss about Craig Martel.

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