Chapter 2

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Girls: Wait...WHAT!?

The girls, escpecially Enterprise are shocked about the last word that Titan just say

Titan: Uhh, Is something wrong?

Illustrious: You said that you are the Enterprise before!

Titan: Oh..

Excelsior: Well, only before he get isekaied to this world like us he was formerly USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G but for somehow he got his old name back after we here.

Enterprise: Oh in that case...

Protostar: Uhh, shouldn't we've to get in and reconstruct the base?

Shipgirls: Oh okay, please follow us.

Shipboys: Alright, thanks.

Then all of them get into the base.


When the fleet return back to the base, everything was a mess. Lots of ships around the base were damage or destroyed, the Manjuus were doing their best to repair the damages. While San Diego was crying saw her ship sink at half which was being towed by Excelsior ship.


While the others are trying to help each other, Constitution and Titan get helped to land their ships at the drydocks. And then their Super Battlestarships appeared on the drydocks. The fact that both Constitution and Titan ships are 725M and 560M makes their ships dwaft every others ships in the entire base. Then they were escorted to a a meeting room where Enterprise, Illustrious and Wales waiting for a private talk with both.

Enterprise: I never know that your guys ship are really big.

Constitution: Well of course Ms Enterprise, my ships length are 725 Meters long.

Titan: And mine is 560 Meters

Wales: That's big! How much is yours displacement is?

Titan: Sorry miss, but i hope you passed out after hear this.

Constitution: His ship is about 3.650.000 Metric tons, and mine is 4.950.000 Metric tons.

After heard that, Wales immediately passed out, Enterprise and Illustrious are...yeah, speechless...

Illustrious: Now that's the heaviest ships i ever heard.

Enterprise: Excuse me Mr Titan, earlier you said you were the Enterprise before can you explain to me?

Titan: Please just drop the Mr and yes, I was named Enterprise after I defeat the threat named the Borg in 2402 But, before that i was orginally named Titan. And when i get where, I was mysteriously named back to Tian.

Enterprise: What's the Borg?

Titan: let's just says that was our enemy like your enemy this time.

Enterprise: Oh...

Constitution: Also, your name remind me with someone...

Enterprise: Who?

Constitution: That's my younger sister, USS Enterprise NCC-1701 and her succcesors.

Enterprise: Really!?

Constitution: Why not? also i have 14 more sisters and brothers in my class if don't count me or Enterprise like: USS Cayuga, USS Constellation, USS Defiant, USS Excalibur, USS Exeter, etc..

Constitution: Also, there's some ship that actually don't get their name yeet but we just skip-

But before he can finish, Cleveland suddenly barge in with a surprised look

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