Chapter 4

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Wales: It's starting to look rough...





Cleveland suddenly smashed the door and rush in

Cleveland: Wales!

Wales: What!?

Cleveland: i've got a SOS Signal!

Wales: What!??..Then go immediately, Now!

Cleveland: Understood!

The Cleveland rush out and call someone to go with


In the sea, a rescue team where deployed after the base caught a Distress call
on the east sea. Consisting Constitution who just get back as the Flagship, Cleveland, Belfast, Excelsior and Hammann

Hammann: I can't believe i get wet again!

Cleveland: Sorry about that, But we can't ignore the Distress call. We should gete it closer!

Constitution: indeed.....

Enterprise: Did they lost their way in the storm??

Excelsior: We don't know ye-....Wait, Wtf!? How did you!!???

Constitution: Enterprise!!?? What in the f8ck are you doing here???? 

Belfast: Did you always go on a mission in this state!?

As they argue, Constitution got something at the horizon

Constitution: Wait, guys....I found something!

Cleveland: What?

Constitution gesture to the Siren ships at the distance

Cleveland: Sirens, they are here!?

Excelsior: No...look closer...

As he said, they looked closer and saw that the Siren ships is already destroyed brutally

Constitution: They've been a brutal way...

Cleveland: But who??

Excelsior: I don't know...

Enterprise: ...

Enterprise thinking something and make a decision

Enterprise: Cover my flank...

Constitution: Alright...

Cleveland: What!?

Then both Enterprise and Constitution go toward the Siren's fleet wreck

Cleveland: My god...WHY IS SHE ALWAYS LIKE THIS!!!??

Excelsior: Totally a very reckless one......

While Enterprise and Constitution sailing toward the Siren ships wreck, Belfast just watched them

But unknown to them, there's someone or some people watching from the skies

With Enterprise and Constitution.......

She passed many Siren ships. Until she see a cruiser, a Light cruiser

Enterprise: There is it...

Enterprise hopped on to the cruiser and walk in to search any survivors. Then Enterprise found the Distress signal senders, they have similar face, one of the are injured and the other one is hugging the 1st one, look like they are sisters

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