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I wake up in a room that is a bright shade of white. It takes my eyes a few minutes to adjust to it. Fear has awoken from its slumber; it wastes no time in coiling itself around my heart sinking its fangs into it. My breath comes out in ragged gasps, my mind replays the events leading up to our capture. Scout is always cautious. Sparrow had our routes mapped out days in advance to ensure we could avoid the Elite with ease. I struggled to understand. I struggled to comprehend. I wanted answers. No, I needed them. I attempt to wrap my arms around my torso. I seek their comfort. I cry out in shock. I am strapped down to a gurney and hooked up to an IV which feeds much-needed nutrients into my system. In the bunker, we were only given enough to survive.

The door to my room opens, there is no sound when this occurs. My attention is drawn to the Elite that enters. It has been eighteen years since I had seen him. My shock is hard to mask, at first glance it appears he has not aged a day. The last time I had seen him, his eyes had been filled with disgust. His hands shaking with anger as I had ruined his haunted house experience. I cannot, for the life of me, decipher the emotion on his face. I shrink away from him screaming at him. I cannot form any words I can only scream and cry as he walks closer tossing a notepad into my lap. He leaves without saying another word.

I stare at the notepad on my lap afraid to test the limits of my restraints. I am honestly surprised, with how advanced technology is I was expecting him to toss a tablet into my lap. It was how I communicated with the others in the bunker. I move my left hand slowly taking the notepad and removing the pen. I had to find a way out of here. I needed to find Scout. The door to the room opens once more. My plan falls by the wayside as she enters the room.

Mother Eve is dressed in a floor-length gown made of crimson fabric. Her black hair cascaded down the mid-point of her back I secretly admired the waves in her hair. They reminded me of my mothers. Her purple eyes met mine, her smile revealed razor-sharp canines.

I could not help myself I whimpered. The sound closely resembled that of a frightened canine. I brought my knees up to my chest, tears falling down my face. Fear strengthened its hold on my heart. It forced me back into my five-year-old body. It forced me to remember the Monsters who frightened me. My voice forever trapped within this memory. Mother Eve steps closer checking on the IV bag. I follow her line of sight. It appears the bank is nearing empty. She presses a button on one of the monitors.

"I can see the fear in your eyes."

I heard Mother Eve's voice on the radio. Her voice was as pleasant as a summer breeze. It was soft like velvet. Fear kept its hold on me. Fear refused to let me go. Fear reminded me that she was a Monster, the devil in a red dress. A Medical Attendant walked into the room holding a tablet in her gloved hands. Her eyes were blank, she was one of the humans under Mother Eve's control. I remained still for her as she examined me. She made notes on her tablet. I opened the notepad in my lap.

How long have I been out?

I showed the notepad to her. She read the words I wrote nervously glancing at Mother Eve. It was a silent question. Mother Eve had strict rules against reading and writing. The arts were heavily regulated under Mother's rule. Even the sciences were under strict surveillance. The Monster nodded, giving the Medical Assistant permission to answer my question.

"You have been unconscious for one week. You came into our care malnourished. You also came into our care having been exposed to a multitude of viruses. It is a miracle that you survived."

My eyes widen, my jaw drops, and I struggle to absorb the information she has given me. There had been doctors in the bunker. Doctors performed an examination every week to take note of our conditions. It was risky for us to seek medical care above ground, although we had to if one of us fell too ill for them to provide care. I pick up my pen again writing out my next question.

Where is my friend, is he safe?

"I am afraid I cannot answer that." She shakes her head.

She hands her tablet to Mother Eve replacing the IV. I do not shy away from her touch allowing her to perform the rest of her examination. She curtsies to Mother Eve, the Monster hands over the tablet dismissing the Medical Attendant with a wave of her hand. Fear returns, my constant companion. Fear causes my hands to shake as I hold up my notepad showing her the same question I showed the Medical Attendant.

Mother Eve pulls up a chair to the side of the gurney. I shrink away from her whimpering once again. I did not like being this close to her. I wished for the sweet release of sedation. I underline my question and turn it back to face her. Mother Eve reached for the notepad. I dropped it in my haste to pull my hand away. Her smile appeared almost apologetic. She was approaching me as if I was a frightened animal backed into the corner of their kennel.

"Your friend came to us in a condition similar to yours." She answers my question. "He is currently undergoing treatment. Once he has been cleared his assimilation will begin."

I cried out shaking my head furiously. The process of assimilation would turn him into one of her. I open the notepad once again. I tell myself I need to be calm. For Scout, I have to be strong. For Sparrow, I have to find a way to escape. For the others, I need to find a way to slay the Monster in front of me.

Please do not take him away from me. He is my bodyguard. He is also my best friend. Please!

I underline the plea showing her the message. She tries to place her hand on my knee. I scream in terror struggling against the restraints. I mouth "No" in rapid succession. She places her hands on her lap her eyes watch me with a curious glint.

"The assimilation process has already begun, Aislinn." She says in her gentle voice. I notice her voice does not change its cadence is smooth. "We will continue to monitor your progress. I expect that you will be fully recovered within the week. Once you are back to full health we will begin the preparations for our Unity Ceremony."

Unity Ceremony?

"Yes, our Unity Ceremony. I have another expectation of you Aislinn Raine. I hope that we can come to a mutual understanding. I hope that we can eliminate the Fear that has taken residence in your heart." Mother Eve stands. "I also hope that you will come to see me as someone you can trust."

How did you find us?

"I have eyes everywhere, Nightingale. There has been a wolf amongst your sheep." She presses a sequence of buttons on the monitors. My eyes start to grow heavy. I grip my notepad tightly in my hands. Someone has betrayed us. There had been a wolf in sheep's clothing amongst the Vanished. I needed to find out who, but first I needed to survive.

I'm in the belly of the beast.

I am so glad to see you're still with me.

I need your help.

The Monster has me trapped.

I'm not sure if there is a way out.

Will you find a way to save me, before it's too late?

Word Count: 4753

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