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"Sparrow?" It takes my voice a moment to return to me.

We were both caught off guard at the sight of him lounging casually on my bed. Scout tenses up behind me, his fingers brushing his belt where his gun once rested. An Elite, I had recently learned, had no need for weapons. They were the weapon, their bodies equipped with an invisible arsenal. The Elite carried them in the streets for nostalgia, it brought comfort to the people. I wait for an explanation. Since arriving at the tower, I had only seen my other bodyguard once, at the hearing. My brain brought up more observations, and I mentally scolded it. This was not the time to be giving me this information. I needed to remain in the present. I needed to hear what Sparrow had to say.

"Are you leaving without saying goodbye?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. "I am deeply offended."

"It's hard to say goodbye to someone who isn't around," I answer, surprised at the bitterness laced in my words.

My brain began to bring up instances over the five years we had resided in this bunker. I would only see Sparrow in passing. Whenever I caught a moment alone with him, he would give the illusion that he was all right. He would give me his signature smile, the one that always made my heart flutter. He'd make me laugh and I would forgive him for leaving. Scout would not. I could hear their shouting matches from down the hall. Scout would compare Sparrow to their father, and this often led to the two of them fighting. There was no babysitter to break them apart this time. I'd find Scout in the infirmary with Sparrow gone the next morning. If there was one thing the bunker could count on, it was Sparrow ensuring the supply runs were always carried out.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy." He says, standing up.

Liar! My mind hisses.

"Liar," I say the word aloud, my hands shaking at my side. The Phantom Anger reignites my blood. I am going to get my answers, one way or another.


"Scout, I want to speak to Sparrow alone." I look at him over my shoulder.

"Linn, you can't stay in one place for too long. She—"

"Now!" I push him out the door, slamming it in his face.

"Damn, Linn I don't think I have ever seen this side of you," Sparrow says impressed.

I turn to face him, standing up straight as I walk over to my closet. I pull out my messenger bag and pack up my meager belongings into it. I cross the small space to my desk emptying its contents into the bag. My fingers brush the dagger Sparrow had given me when the world went to shit. He wanted me to be able to defend myself. I keep it out, turning to face him. I lean back against the desk holding the dagger in the way that he taught me.

"Cut the bullshit." I continue to surprise myself. Without Fear and Anger, my Confidence takes center stage. My Courage stands loyally at its side, fully prepared to carry me through this conversation. My bodyguard's lazy smirk falls into place. He's hoping to avoid this conversation. He's hoping that I'll get irritated at him and walk away. I'm done running. I am not the scared little girl from my past. I am the girl who discovered her voice.

And who do you have to thank for this gift?

My resolve staggers upon hearing her voice in my head. I can see the shift in Sparrow's behavior. I can see the purple smoke appearing in his eyes. Scout is right, we don't have very much time left. Mother Eve is coming. I will need to make this quick.

"I want the truth." I begin, my eyes locked with his. "If you're honest with me, I will let you walk out of here."

"You've been spending too much time with Mother Eve." Sparrow crosses his arms over his chest.

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