.+Chapter 6+.

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After a long walk back to the Hotel, the guys were having fun chatting with each other. I walked with Charlie, as she was still upset about the fight with Vaggie. Stroking my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort my sister, she pushed me away. When we returned to the hotel, she walked away from me. I looked around and that's when Angel's eyes met mine.

"Hey.." I mumble quickly, staring up at the spider in front of me. His smile was sad as I knew what was coming.


"Listen. I'm sorry for ev-" He put his hand up, stopping me from speaking.

"I should be the one apologizing, not you... I blew up at you... when you were just trying to help me... I said some shit I regret a lot" He looked away and then back at me. "I guess I was jealous you stopped hanging around me... and with the Valentino thing... I-" He sighs. "I'm trying to say I'm sorry and no amount of excuses could ever fix what I did and I'm sorry I understand if noth-" feeling terrible, I hugged him and he stopped speaking.The thing that lingered in the back of my mind... was the fact that maybe I was the problem. I ignored it quickly and focused on Angel. He pulled away from me... "so we are good right I uh..."

"Yes, Angel," I chuckled quickly. "We are fine and I forgive you, it was just the heat of the moment," I said cheerfully and he smiled as he turned to the rest of the group joining in on their conversation.

"And then, when that buff guy started beating the shit outta you!"

"Yes, and with the dismembered arm," Sir Pentious made a gesture to his arm, "Yes, that was... particularly unpleasant."

"I liked that part," Niffty giggled. Niffty was adorable when it didn't involve murdering people

"Well... hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ. You did okay, new kid." Husk having his proud dad moment.

"...Really? Oh well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old, rough and tumble today. And uh, thank you for pulling me out of there." We all laugh. Niffty laughing with insanity, we all turn to look at her.

The Hotel door opened quickly. In came Alastor with the eggs. I smiled, noticing he didn't kill them. "Alastor. failed to get rid of the eggs, I see."

"Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful." His eyes glowed a little as I turned my head. He knows something...

"Why don't you give them back to Pentious?" Vaggie spoke up as Alastor shrugged his shoulders. Pentious' eyes start to tear up.


"Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons." She says, eyes narrowing. Sir Pentious gets emotional and hugs his egg boiz. I turned and watched Alastor's eyes meet mine. He was walking upstairs. I knew he wanted me to meet up. I was dreading every moment of meeting him upstairs. What did he want...

-Time skip-

My heart fluttered as I remembered the event that occurred this morning. Get over it! This is all some ploy for him. He's the radio demon! I reached his door, and I stared around the quiet hotel. Everyone went to bed a little ago, so I decided it would be fine to come up here with no one caring. My hand reached to knock, and the door flew open as Alastor tilted his head and smiled.

"Finally, I was wondering when you would get here!" His voice went into a little static at the end as he motioned me to come into his room. I walked in. That uneasy feeling played in my head as the door closed behind me.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, my dear, I noticed you've been ignoring me whenever you could this entire week! I missed our conversations about how annoying this hotel was!" I went silent. Truth be told, it was because of what Angel said.. but Angel and I are fine.

"It was nothing! I just wasn't feeling myself"

"And what do you mean wasn't feeling yourself, hmmm?" He tilted his head quickly I turned away from him.

"It's just... I'm fine! Why do you care anyway?" I mutter and stare at his face. He smiles at me. I can tell he's planning something.

"Is it because of your fight with a certain feminine fellow" I froze. Of course, he knew... did he know the details... well, everyone in the hotel could tell me and we weren't on the right terms, but did Alastor know something more? "Darling, you can tell me anything." He grabbed my chin again and I could feel that feeling in my chest.

"I-I" I froze once I tried to speak. It went into full stutter. Get a hold of yourself! Don't tell him stuff he doesn't need to know! "Alastor! I'm fine" I pulled quickly away. Taking a breath, "Is that all you wanted to talk about why I was ignoring you?" I stopped him before he could speak. "I'll tell you why! Maybe I'm afraid of getting close to you ever thinking that!" It wasn't entirely a lie. I didn't want to get close to him. I won't allow myself to be used as an item in all this.

"Why don't you want to get close to me?" He questioned as he leaned closer to my neck. I could feel his hot breath on it. I froze as he chuckled darkly, "Are you afraid of me?" His voice was more sinister than before.

"No, why would I be!?" I tried to push away again. Yet to no avail, I failed.

"Oh, my dear... please just tell me what's wrong..." Why is he changing the subject... I can't give in to him.

"Alastor, I already said I'm fine!" I pulled away finally and left his grip. I turned around, and he sighed and walked over to his swamp area, sitting at the table when he spoke.

"Why must you be so difficult? I know why you're acting like this, anyway." I froze when I heard him speak. "After your mental breakdown the other day, you think you are everyone's problem, that everyone doesn't like you at all, don't you?" He smiled darkly, putting his hand under his chin.

"That's not true at all!" A haste response came out of me as he laughed.

"Oh, of course it's like how you don't think you're everyone's second choice, right?" I felt my hand shake as I turned away. "Am I correct?"

"You are a-anything but correct, that's just something you made up in your head" He chuckled before disappearing in the shadows and appearing right in front of me.

"Really? Because your mind is saying something else, isn't it?" His head tilted in front of me, "You think you're useless and that you're the second choice, mean makes sense, you're Lucifer's second born, second in line for the throne, second friend, second owner, the list goes on and on darling!" I looked down. He was right about. Everything, at that moment everything crossed my mind in the ugliest way possible. "I can help you with all this! I've never thought of you as a second choice! You were always my first choice! Do you think Lucifer would've taught you your powers first?"

"No... he wouldn't" I could see his smile darken into a more sinister one.

"But I did, didn't I?" I nodded, and he put both his hands on my shoulders. "That's right. I taught you first. I am the only one who treats you like you are important instead of everyone else who walks all over you!" Everything he said was true, wasn't it? I'm not important...

"I-" Man the fuck up, stop letting him get to you. He's manipulating you. This is what he does! "Maybe that's true... but Charlie and my dad care for me, maybe even the rest of the group. This isn't..." I paused as I could see his expression darken. He knew he was losing me. I just had to keep going. "You are not gaining control of me"

"Darling, I don't want control!"

"Yes, you-" His lips touched mine in an instant.

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