.+Chapter 13+.

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"Why do I have to go to heaven isn't it like all pastel and shit ew?"

"I don't know love, I haven't been"

"I can fucking tell that, bitch!" I snapped at him. I stopped when I noticed his eyes twitch slightly. "Sorry... but instead of sitting on my bed, can you help me pack?"

"I was just answering your question, love, and why do you need so much clothing? You're going to be gone a day" Rolling my eyes.

"Listen, I have some pastel clothing from Charlie. So if I need to, I can change. Also, I don't know what I want to do where each day I'm indecisive." He chuckles and lies on my bed, kicking his feet in the air. How does he tolerate me... Sighing, I sit on the bed with my suitcase on the floor, "Oh, one day without me, whatever shall you do?" I smirk at him.

"Hmm. I'm sure I'll find something, maybe cast some new screams on my broadcast."

"Without me listening, how dare you!" I put a hand to my chest with a fake hurt look on my face. He laughs,

"Too bad you'll be in Heaven.."

"Why you shithead!" I lunged at him on the bed but failed to pin him and he quickly flipped me over.

"Don't forget my dear, I'm much more powerful than you," I growl slightly than nod in defeat. His smile still looms over my head as I look away. He leans down and whispers into my neck, "I'll miss you." He whispered before kissing my collarbone. My whole body shuddered, and he laughed yet again. "I love how easy you are to get flustered." My face turns red and I push him off me.

"Alastor stop I have to go!" I giggle but stop myself. Standing, I smile at Alastor. "The portal is going to open soon, so I'll see you later!" I kiss his lips and spin around. Two black shadows grab my waist and bring me back to Alastor. He puts his hands on my waist, removing his shadows.

"Let's do this properly, shall we?" He grabs my chin and pulls me into a deep kiss. He pulls away and then snaps his fingers as we appear downstairs together. I step away and walk to the couch. Waiting for Charlie and Vaggie takes forever. They're probably fucking. I heard them once a while back... Let's just say I almost cut my ears off. Angel interrupts my thoughts as he walks into the hotel. He had another day with fucking Val... I will kill that fucking bitch one day.

"Oh, fuck." He speaks, and I jump as Niffty pops out of nowhere and runs to Angel.

"You look messy! What happened to you?"

"It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice. Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag. UGH!" He cracks his bones and collapses on the couch next to me. Charlie and Vaggie come down with 2 suitcases. I sigh. Why do we have to go to? Heaven, why can't they come here? In an instant, someone blew up the wall near the bar, causing Angel to fall off the couch.

"Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?!" A female outline is in the hole and she walks in.

"What up hoes?" My eyes widen and Angel gets up. We both walk up to her.

"Holy shit! Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!"

"Hey, Cherri!" I say, quickly hugging her.

"Angie, ya bitch, and Y/n my whore! You have been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!"

"Hey, I was still texting you normally!"

"You always text depressing bitch!" She turns to my sister and gives her a bomb. "Here, hold this." Charlie is quick to react, and she starts to get nervous as she tosses the bomb back and forth.

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